Estimates Report


Lists estimates dated with a period. You need to install both the report and the subreport.

Explanatory text:

This report shows the estimates dated between 00:00:00 on the specified From date and 23:59:59 on the specified To date. They are in ascending date order grouped by status and clinician.
The selection fields entered have % added so that leaving them blank will find all, and entering say clinician 'n' will include all clinicians with names starting 'n', and entering  '%smith' will find all clincians with names containing 'Smith'. The selection is case-insensitive.
Checking 'Show details' will cause the line item details to be displayed.
Checking 'Show Expired' causes expired estimates to also be displayed. These are indicated by an exclamation mark (!) in column 1. For this report an estimate is deemed to be expired if it has an expiry date and this is not after the specified 'To Date'.
Where there is no clinician set, this will be shown as '--NONE--' and using the selection '-' will find these; ie setting the clinician selection to '-' will find estimates with no clinician specified.
The Summary counts show all statuses even if Estimates with these statuses are not displayed. However, the Expired summary data is only shown if Show Expired is selected.
In Progress and Cancelled estimates are ignored. All amounts are tax inclusive.

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