Extended Statement


*** updated 6Sep16 to remove reference to ArialUnicodeMS font in the ExtStatement.jrxml and to change the fornt from Arial to SanSerif in ExtStatementItems-6888.jrxml

This report will generate a statement for a specified customer (by default the current one) for an arbitary period. It handles the hidden transaction, template aggregation, and zero cost/no print features introduced in 1.8.

NOTE: this is a Report and not a replacement for the Customer Statement. Hence when you install it using Administration|Templates|New you need to set the Type to Report (not Customer Statement) when installing ExtStatement.jrxml, and Subreport when installing ExtStatementItems.jrxml.

Note 2: if you are running 1.9 build 6888 or later then you need to download the ExtStatementItems-6888.jrxml file, rename it to ExtStatementItems.jrxml, and then install it.

For use in your practice you will need to use Jasper Studio to edit the jrxml file to set your practice details and logo. You also may need to juggle the positions of things in the title section if you use a large logo. You may also will also need to adjust the payment instructions to suit your practice.

The items sub-report assumes that you use Product Types and displays invoice items by patient name/prod.type invoice order.

Parameter Selection: (the from & to dates have been set)

Sample output: (this is the email version showing the logo and practice details in the header)

No data found explanatory text: (will be displayed if no transactions found)

The statement is generated from the earlier of the 'Date From' and that of the opening balance transaction found prior to the oldest unpaid invoice, or if there are no unpaid invoices, the last opening balance before the From date. If there are no matching opening balance transactions, then all transactions for the account will be shown.
No Data will be found if: a) the customer id is invalid; b) the To Date is before the the 'statement from' date calculated as above; or c) there really are no unpaid transactions up to the To date.

Hidden transactions explanatory text: (will be displayed if unbalanced hidden transactions are detected)

Hidden Transaction errors occur when the statement contains unbalanced hidden transactions - ie the transaction(s) that are hidden do not sum to $0.  This is normally due to having the original and reversed transactions split across a Period End, that is, they are sepated by a Closing Balance/Opening Balance pair.

When the Hidden Transaction error occurs, you can simply use the 'Print Hidden Transactions' option to show them in the statement. If you want more detail, use the Customer Running Balance report. You can disable the checking of hidden transactions and generate a 'clean' statement with no error message - but if you do this be careful that what is printed is correct. In particular ensure that the opening balance at the top of the statement contains no unbalanced hidden transactions.

A good working rule is that if the unbalanced hidden transaction is the first of the pair (and the second is in the next period) then you can happily turn off the checking and print a clean statement.
However, if it is the second of the pair (and the first is in the previous period) then the correct solution is to change the From date to include the previous period. This will ensure than the opening balance at the top of the statement contains no hidden transactions.


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