Patient History Search


This the (standard in 1.8) Patient History Search back ported to 1.7.

The paramters are:

Explanatory text is:

This report shows the text (first 9 lines) of notes containing the specified text and matching the other criteria.
The Species, Breed and Clinician selection fields have % added so that leaving them blank will find all, and entering say species 'n' will include all patients with species starting 'n, and entering breed '%terrier' will find all patients with breeds containing 'terrier'. The selection is case-insensitive.
The Text selection has '%' both prepended and appended are added automatically - hence entering the text 'cpr' searches for %cpr%.
You can search for multiple words by separating them by % characters. Hence entering 'cpr%revived' would find "applied cpr and Fido revived". Note however, that it will not find "Fido revived after cpr was applied" because the word order is wrong.
Note that only the first N newest matches are shown where N is the 'Limit number of results to' parameter (which defaults to 20).
The patient age shown is the age at the time of the visit.
Patients are shown as name owner-name (ID) so Mrs Smith's Fido is shown as Fido Smith (12345).

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