Export Prices

The Export Prices window is used to export OpenVPMS product prices to a CSV (comma separated values) file.

The exported prices can be manipulated in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc, and imported using Price Import.

Note that prior to OpenVPMS 1.9, exported and imported prices were tax-inclusive. Now all prices are tax-exclusive.


Prices can be selected for export using the following criteria:

  • Type - one of Medication, Merchandise, Product Price Template, Service, or All. Note that you cannot export Templates - if you want to do some editing of these, you have to do them one by one.
  • Search - enables the products to be queried by name or identity
  • Search Identities - if selected, products are queried by identity
  • Include Deactivated - if selected, inactive products are included in the search
  • Product Type - the type of the product. E.g "Desexing", "Euthanasia".
  • Species - queries products by species
  • Income Type - queries products by income type. E.g. "Medication", "Professional"
  • Product Group - queries products by product group. E.g "Fees", "Grooming"
  • Prices - one of:
    • Current - exports the fixed and unit prices for a product that are active at the current time
    • All - exports all fixed and unit prices for a product. This may be used to export the price history
    • Range - exports all prices for a product active within the range specified by the From and To fields
  • Pricing Group - exports prices by Pricing Group. One of:
    • All - export all prices, regardless of Pricing Group
    • None - export prices with no Pricing Group
    • Group Name - export prices with the specified Pricing Group, or no Pricing Group
  • From - used to set the price From Date, when querying prices in a range
  • To - used to set the price To Date, when querying prices in a range
  • Include Linked Prices - if selected, prices linked from Product Price Templates will be included in the exported data

Export File Format

The exported data is a comma-separated-values file, containing the following columns:

Column Required Type Description
Product Id Yes Integer The product identifier.
Product Name Yes String The product name.
Product Printed Name No String The product printed name. If different to that stored, updates the product's Printed Name.
Fixed Price Id No Integer The fixed price identifier, used when updating an existing fixed price.
Fixed Price No Decimal The tax-exclusive fixed price. If unspecified, no fixed price will be created/updated.
Fixed Cost No Decimal The fixed cost. Only used if a fixed price is specified. Defaults to 0.0 if unset.
Fixed Price Max Discount No Decimal The fixed price maximum discount, expressed as a percentage. Required if a fixed price is specified, optional otherwise.
Fixed Price Start Date No Date The date the fixed price starts on. Required if a fixed price is specified, optional otherwise.
Fixed Price End Date No Date The date the fixed price ends on. If unspecified, the fixed price will have no end date.
Default Fixed Price No Boolean (true/false) Indicates if a Fixed Price is the default price for the date range. Only applicable if there are multiple fixed prices.
Fixed Price Groups No String A space separated list of Pricing Group codes that are associated with the fixed price.
Unit Price Id No Integer The unit price identifier, used when updating an existing unit price.
Unit Price No Decimal The tax-exclusive unit price. If unspecified, no unit price will be created/updated.
Unit Cost No Decimal The unit cost. Only used if a unit price is specified. Defaults to 0.0 if unset.
Unit Price Max Discount No Decimal The unit price maximum discount, expressed as a percentage. Required if a unit price is specified, optional otherwise.
Unit Price Start Date No Date The date the unit price starts on. Required if a unit price is specified, optional otherwise.
Unit Price End Date No Date The date the unit price ends on. If unspecified, the unit price will have no end date.
Unit Price Groups No String A space separated list of Pricing Group codes that are associated with the unit price.
Tax Rate No Decimal The sum of tax rates for the product, expressed as a percentage. This must be valid on import, but is otherwise ignored.
Notes No String Price notes. At present, this is used to report if a price is linked from another product.

Note that the markup and tax-inclusive prices are not exported as they can be derived.
To calculate the markup from the exported columns use:

  • Unit Price Markup = (Unit Price / Unit Cost - 1) * 100
  • Fixed Price Markup = (Fixed Price / Fixed Cost - 1) * 100

To calculate tax-inclusive prices, use:

  • Tax-inclusive Unit Price = Unit Price * (1 + Tax Rate / 100)
  • Tax-inclusive Fixed Price = Fixed Price * (1 + Tax Rate / 100)

See Pricing Updates for instructions on manipulating the exported data.

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