expr:if($appointment.appointmentType.entity.name = 'Consultation', concat(expr:if(expr:var('patient.name') != '', concat(expr:var('patient.name'), "'s"), 'Your'), ' appointment at ' , $location.name,' is confirmed for ', date:formatDate($appointment.startTime, 'short'), ' @ ', date:formatTime($appointment.startTime, 'short'), $nl,$nl, 'Due to Covid 19 restrictions, only one fully vaccinated person may enter the clinic. Proof of vaccination will be required.',$nl,$nl, 'If you prefer, we can still provide contactless service. When you arrive in our car park phone us on 9312-2500.',$nl,$nl, 'Please wear your face mask at all times whilst attending the clinic and when speaking with our staff.',$nl, 'Thank you.',$nl, 'Sunshine Vets',$nl,$nl, 'If queries phone ', party:getTelephone($location) ) expr:if($appointment.appointmentType.entity.name = 'Vaccination', concat(expr:if(expr:var('patient.name') != '', concat(expr:var('patient.name'), "'s"), 'Your'), ' appointment at ' , $location.name,' is confirmed for ', date:formatDate($appointment.startTime, 'short'), ' @ ', date:formatTime($appointment.startTime, 'short'), $nl,$nl, 'Due to Covid 19 restrictions, only one fully vaccinated person may enter the clinic. Proof of vaccination will be required.',$nl,$nl, 'If you prefer, we can still provide contactless service. When you arrive in our car park phone us on 9312-2500.',$nl,$nl, 'Please wear your face mask at all times whilst attending the clinic and when speaking with our staff.',$nl, 'Thank you.',$nl, 'Sunshine Vets',$nl,$nl, 'If queries phone ', party:getTelephone($location) ), concat(expr:if(expr:var('patient.name') != '', concat(expr:var('patient.name'), "'s"), 'Your'), ' appointment for a ', $appointment.appointmentType.entity.name, ' procedure is confirmed for ',date:format($appointment.startTime,' EEEE d-MMM-yy.') ,$nl,$nl, 'Please drop your pet off between 8:30 and 10:30am; pick up will be sometime between 5-7pm.',$nl,$nl, $patient.name,' may have dinner around 6-7pm the evening before and then no more food is to be given before the procedure. Water does not need to be restricted, ', $patient.name,' may continue to drink water.',$nl,$nl, 'When you arrive in our car park, remain in your car and phone us on 93122500. Please wear your face mask when speaking with our staff.',$nl, 'Thank you.',$nl, 'Sunshine Vets',$nl,$nl, 'Please do not reply this text message; if you wish to speak with staff please call ', party:getTelephone($location)) )