Automatically cancel appointments or SMS reminders for deceased patients


We were caught out the other day with an automatic appointment reminder SMS's sent to a patient that was made deceased the day before their appointment.

Is there a way to stop Automatic appointment reminder SMS's from sending to patients that are deceased?

I think there was a thread about reminders for deceased patients, but I can't see anything for appointment sms's.



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Re: Automatically cancel appointments or SMS reminders for ...

Hi Greta - this has been fixed for 1.9 in OVPMS-1774


Re: Automatically cancel appointments or SMS reminders for ...


We're using 1.8 but to avoid the situation you describe, we have any service associated with euthanasia automatically update the patient' status to deceased.  You can do this selecting the service or product associated with euthanasia and under the '7-Updates' tab, have the patient's status automatically updated to deceased.


Oh sorry... I didn't catch that this was an SMS problem, and not a status problem.


Re: Automatically cancel appointments or SMS reminders for ...

Hi Tim,

Thanks for fixing this. I have just noticed another strange behaviour of this system and wonder if it's as easily fixed.

If you copy an appointment on the schedule (say the client want's another revisit appointment next week), and paste it onto next weeks schedule, it does not have the Send Reminder ticked. Presumably that is because the reminder was sent already for today's appointment.

Is there a way to revert any copied and pasted appointments to behave in the same way a NEW appointment would behave (have Send Reminder ticked if the client information is set up to allow SMS's).



Re: Automatically cancel appointments or SMS reminders for ...

It should do that already. Make sure the Appointment Type has Send Appointment Reminders ticked.

Re: Automatically cancel appointments or SMS reminders for ...

Hi Tim,

I'm still having a bit of trouble with this.

When I make a repeating appointment for a client, the sms reminder box will be ticked for the first one, but not for any of the others.

Often clients book weekly appointments and need the reminder each week.

There seems to be a glitch with the repeating.



Re: Automatically cancel appointments or SMS reminders for ...

Raised as OVPMS-1799


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