Is this a bug?

Yesterday one of my nurses noted an error when she invoiced a product - she invoiced one bag of Metabolic dry and came up with a unit price of $755 for a 3.85 kg bag. Clearly this was wrong. We have limited access to product pricing to 3 people to make errors easier to trace. No one has adjusted this product to have a mark up of over 1200% - myself , my husband and daughter - 3 people with high accountability and attention to detail...

So just wondering if we can trace when it was last adjusted or get any information about this. I ran a report to see when it was last sold. We do not have automatic up loading of product prices so it is done on an ad hock basis manually...

My concern is that if it is it is a bug then this is an obvious one but other products could be affected and not be so obvious.....

Thanks Anna

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Re: Is this a bug?

If you add prices rather than edit existing prices, the From Date indicates when the price was created. If not, there is no way to determine when the price changed, unless you have old backups available.

I'm not aware of any bug in product pricing that would cause this behaviour.

When editing a unit price, the markup is derived from the cost and price when the price updates. A markup of 1200% should reflect the cost and price values.

If 1200 was entered for the markup, then the price will be derived from the cost and markup.

If Auto Price Update is enabled, then this won't trigger any changes to the markup.

In short, the most likely cause for this is through data entry.

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