Creating a Customer Form document that only inputs customer details, rather than customer details linked to a patient

Hi, I'm trying to create a Customer Form document. All of the forms I have access to in templates at the moment are Patient Forms.

The problem I'm having is that the input fields I have in Patient Forms include the customer details but the input fields also patient details.

Can anyone tell me the input field that I need to insert into the Customer Form document so that it just inputs the customer details without the patient details?


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Re: Creating a Customer Form document that only inputs ...

Go and have a look at the sample documents in <OPENVPMS-HOME>/reports/Sample/A4 - there are sample customer documents there.

Regards, Tim G


Re: Creating a Customer Form document that only inputs ...

Hi Tim,

I couldn't track down any sample documents that related to Customer Letter only via that link or in the resource library but I found a list of the input fields here:

Thanks for your help.

Nick B

Re: Creating a Customer Form document that only inputs ...

Nick - the sample documents are distributed in the release package. To make it easier for you I have attached some to this post.

Note that the 'Sample Patient Document.odt' is well worth looking at - it has both customer and patient information and shows a number of advanced techniques.

Regards, Tim G

Sample Patient Document.odt 29.79 KB
Sample Customer Form.odt 20.39 KB
Sample Customer Letter.odt 20.34 KB
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