Credit Card Type Mandatory


On occasion staff forget to add a credit card type when taking a payment. We would like to make it mandatory to select a credit card type (other than "none").

Can I achieve this by changing min cardinality of credit (or details?) in act.CustomerAccountPaymentCredit to 1?

Just wanted to check before I break things.



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Re: Credit Card Type Mandatory

AHAH - you need a test system ;-)

You are absolutely correct - set the min cardinality to 1 in act.customerAccountPaymentCredit

This will get you:

You can improve the error message by setting the display name of the field to say "Card Type" - ie update act.customerAccountPaymentCredit.adl to

and then import this. The error message then becomes:

I hope that you are being a good boy and keeping all you modified archetype adl files in one place that that the person who does your upgrades can easily find your customisations.

Note that I like this tweak and will implement on our production system.

Tim A - I see no reason why we should not make this change in the standard release.  I can think of no case where one does not know the credit card type or would want to leave the type blank because the presented card was not in the list of those the practice will accept (ie in Lookups|Credit Card).

Regards, Tim G

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