Customer Location restriction

I help with a small practice in South Africa which does a significant amount of pro-bono work for the local Wildlife Rehab organisation. From the practice's point of view it would be useful to give the organisation access to their patient's data.

While it would be possible to set up a separate practice location to hold the Wildlife Refuge, this would not restrict the Refuge staff from accessing other client's data.

Currently, it is possible to restrict a user to specified practice locations. If a feature was added to restrict the customer selection to only those customers whose preferred customer location matches the current practice location, then it would be possible to limit the customers that a given user could access.

Do others see possible uses for this type of functionality - ie a mechanism to allow a client to look at their patients' data?

Regards, Tim G

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Re: Customer Location restriction


Sounds like a sensible feature.

There are lots of ideas which could be an extension of this, though I suspect would be more complicated to implement. For example - a referring vet being able to login an view only access histories of patients that are registered to them. Clients being able to view patient medical records or invoice histories.

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