generate order report printing


At the moment I am printing the order that is generated when I use the "generate order" function as I haven't set up electronic ordering yet.

This is alphabetical on the screen but in completely random order when printed. Is it possible to get this to print alphabetically too, as it is really difficult to find items as it is!

Thanks, Kerry

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Re: generate order report printing

Kerry - I have a look at the code for the 1.8.1 report - it sorts by the time the item was ordered.

On the screen, by default, as you say, the display is alphabetical by product name.

I will build you a version of the report that sorts by this.

Tim A - the 1.9 Orders report is the same.  I don't think that it makes sense if the screen display is alphabetical.  I think that for 1.9 we should change to 'sort by product name'.  I will send you the modified version.

Kerry, wait one while I build and test the 1.8 version for you.

NOTE: I have just had a look at the orders report - and of course it is displaying stuff to suit the supplier - ie their reorder code and (if available) their reorder description - ie

But on the screen we have our product name, ie:

So when I make the report print in alphabetical product name, the items printed on the order will not be definitely in alphabetical order by Reorder Description - but ordering by product name which at least matches the item order on the screen and makes less of a mess of the order of items on the printed order than the current 'order by line item created time'.

Regards, Tim G

Re: generate order report printing

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