
You can download it from:

The ESCI package has also been updated, to fix some minor bugs and improve documentation. The developers guide page has been updated accordingly:

Users migrating from 1.4 or 1.5-beta-1 need to:

  1. backup their database
  2. reload archetypes
  3. run the migration script in update/db/migrate-1.4-to-1.5.sql

For more information on 1.5 changes see the beta-1 release notes

  • [OVPMS-937] - Change aging syntax
  • [OVPMS-1034] - Provide more descriptive error message when an object being edited is deleted by another user
  • [OVPMS-1037] - Add support to print visits during Checkin and Consult workflows
  • [OVPMS-1047] - Improve support for touchscreen devices
  • [OVPMS-947] - java.awt.print.PrinterException: No printer found.
  • [OVPMS-1025] - Supplier delivery package sizes
  • [OVPMS-1026] - Automatically link ESCI delivery items to order items, where no explicit link exists
  • [OVPMS-1030] - Default empty listPrice to unitPrice when processing supplier invoices
  • [OVPMS-1036] - java.awt.print.PrinterException: Printer is not accepting job.
Bug fixes: 
  • [OVPMS-1019] - schedule and worklist view editors have their add a new relationship button disabled
  • [OVPMS-1020] - Checkout print dialog doesn't automatically select financial templates
  • [OVPMS-1021] - Inactive suppliers are contacted when checking ESCI inboxes
  • [OVPMS-1023] - empty products are not removed when exiting a delivery entry
  • [OVPMS-1024] - Accepted Orders can be edited
  • [OVPMS-1027] - Default document download icon is pdf
  • [OVPMS-1028] - Customer Account Type Account Fee amount rounding issue
  • [OVPMS-1031] - Skipping drug label during charging also skips interactive reminders
  • [OVPMS-1032] - Deleting Templates that are referenced by Document Acts causes foreign constraint error
  • [OVPMS-1033] - Till Balancing and Deposit Workspace customer links missing
  • [OVPMS-1035] - No node found named supplierNotes in archetype act.supplierReturn
  • [OVPMS-1040] - Medication not displayed in Medication popup during charging
  • [OVPMS-1044] - Invoiced Estimations do not generate reminders, update stock or create clinical record entries.
  • [OVPMS-1045] - QueryException: No Query returning results of type for archetype(s) lookup.macro
  • [OVPMS-1046] - Cannot save acts when associated patient has been deactivated