
You can download it from:

The ESCI package has also been updated.

Users migrating from 1.4 or previous 1.5-beta's need to:

  1. backup their database
  2. reload archetypes
  3. run the migration script in update/db/migrate-1.4-to-1.5.sql

For more information on 1.5 changes see the beta-1 release notes and the beta-2 release notes

New features: 
  • [OVPMS-902] - SMS integration through an email-sms gateway
  • [OVPMS-1053] - Change Skip behaviour to delete investigation and reminder acts during charging
  • [OVPMS-1055] - Change reminder generation to use printer specified by reminder document template
  • [OVPMS-1057] - Add support for to configure document templates at practice locations
  • [OVPMS-1062] - Copy lookup relationships when replacing one lookup with another
  • [OVPMS-1075] - Improve error reporting of duplicate lookups
  • [OVPMS-1078] - Filter duplicate relationships when replacing one lookup with another
  • [OVPMS-1067] - Cache objects during editing to reduce memory, db use
Bug fixes: 
  • [OVPMS-885] - Duplicate reminders created belonging to same Reminder Group if billed on same Invoice
  • [OVPMS-1024] - Accepted Orders can be edited
  • [OVPMS-1048] - IndexOutOfBoundsException deleting patient medical record
  • [OVPMS-1051] - NullPointerException creating customer alerts
  • [OVPMS-1052] - Medications not saving dispensing acts to medical records duringcharging
  • [OVPMS-1054] - New Delivery order selection doesn't select order items on multiple pages
  • [OVPMS-1058] - Highlight and icon can indicate selected visit when not selected
  • [OVPMS-1059] - Billing drugs/services with different dates creates corresponding visits
  • [OVPMS-1060] - Missing test, derived node updating functionality in archetype administration workspace
  • [OVPMS-1061] - Focus doesn't move to interactive reminder popup when editing charges
  • [OVPMS-1063] - Billing products with associated documents creates multiple visits
  • [OVPMS-1064] - Finalised Orders can be edited
  • [OVPMS-1066] - NPE calculating discount during charging
  • [OVPMS-1070] - Price markup incorrectly changed when updating supplier list price
  • [OVPMS-1072] - Users without administration rights can edit products
  • [OVPMS-1076] - Product reminders do not default to the selected Reminder Type period
  • [OVPMS-1077] - Resend reminders should display printer dialog
  • [OVPMS-1079] - Changing quantitie sin charging doesn't update linked Medication quantity
  • [OVPMS-1080] - Invoicing an estimation doesn't default medication quantity to estimation quantity in medication dialog.
  • [OVPMS-1081] - All items of an estimation not invoiced if the estimation contains multiple products with medications/investigations/reminders
  • [OVPMS-1082] - Incorrect action of dialog 'x' button causes mismatch invoice amounts