Invoice Reception Notes

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Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 
Project funding: 

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Project description: 

Currently, invoices support notes intended for customers using the Notes and Customer Notes fields.

This project will:

  • add a Reception Notes field to invoices, to capture notes intended for reception staff
  • copy the reception notes to patient history as a Clinical Note

if more than one patient is present on the invoice, the note will be added to each patient's history

  • update patient history if the reception notes change
  • delete the reception note from patients removed from the invoice

If a patient is removed from an invoice, any reception note in their history also needs to be removed



This project will not:

  • update the Reception Note on the invoice, if a Clinical Note is updated or removed from the patient history.

Implementation Notes

This change will require relationships between the Invoice and multiple Visits, so care needs to be taken to ensure that:

  • concurrent updates are handled to avoid updates being rejected
  • subsequent deletion of a reception note from patient history doesn't trigger business rules for finalised invoices


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