Service Ratio Calendar


This screen is used to create/edit/view Service Ratio Calendars.
These are used to determine the dates and times that a Service Ratio applies.

The top part of the screen contains the calendar details.
The bottom part contains the events in the calendar.

The fields are as follows:

  • Name
The name of the calendar
  • Description
An optional description for the calendar
  • Active
Uncheck this to deactivate the calendar.
When deactivated, any Service Ratio using this calendar will be charged using the ratio at all times.

Calendar Events

Calendar Events determine when a Service Ratio applies.
Wherever there is:

  • an event, the Service Ratio will be applied
  • no event, the Service Ratio will be ignored

To add, change, or delete events, double click on a cell to edit it.
If the cell is empty, a new event will be created.