Investigation Type


Investigation Types describe how patient Investigations are performed.

These are used:

The fields are as follows:

  • Name
the name of Investigation Type
  • Description
an optional description of the Investigation Type
  • Active
uncheck the box to deactivate the Investigation Type
  • Laboratory
the Laboratory, if the Investigation is ordered automatically
  • Template
optional Document Template. 
If one is specified then it defines the document that will be printed when the investigation is initiated.  It is normally some sort of form that can be used to request the required test(s)
  • Supplier
optional Supplier. 
If one is specified then will be displayed on the Workflow - Investigations screen.
  • Devices
the Laboratory Devices that may perform tests for this Investigation Type.
These are specified by the associated Laboratory


If the Investigation Type has been created by a Laboratory, then the Name, Description, Laboratory and Devices cannot be changed.