The Administration - ESCI screen provides support to:
The buttons are as follows:
view the selected Supplier |
edit the selected Supplier |
check the inbox for documents from the selected supplier at the Stock Location, and process them. |
check the inboxes for documents from all ESCI suppliers |
manage the ESCI inbox for the selected Supplier and Stock Location |
An Inbox is a service provided by an ESCI supplier that that contains responses to OpenVPMS orders for a particular Stock Location.
These are stored as documents that conform to the UBL specification.
An Inbox may contain two types of documents:
OpenVPMS processes the responses sequentially, acknowledging them as they are successfully processed.
If a response cannot be processed due to an error, no other responses in the Inbox can be processed until the error is resolved.
The Inbox window displays pending documents from the selected Supplier and Stock Location and enables them to be managed.
This can be used to:
This provides the following the functions:
refresh the list of pending documents. |
process the selected document.
delete the selected document. This should only be used where a document cannot be processed due to some unrecoverable error. |