This section describes how to install OpenVPMS.
The required software is documented in Requirements.
There are three installation procedures:
If you are doing a new install, you should also read:
Other useful information can be found in the following:
OpenVPMS is designed to be used with Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Edge.
The Context Sensitive Help facility provides help when you press Alt-F1 on most screens.
By default, the help is displayed in a separate browser window. If you want it displayed in a tab rather than a new window, try the following:
Note that both Context Sensitive Help and Print Previews are treated as pop-ups by browsers and may be blocked. You will need to enable pop-ups for your OpenVPMS site.
OpenVPMS doesn't directly support data migration from other veterinary practice systems.
It does however provide a plugin for Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) that can be used to get data into OpenVPMS.
The plugin works with PDI 9. This can be obtained from here.
Extract this zip file to a directory. This will be referred to as <PDI_HOME>.
To install the OpenVPMSLoader plugin:
See also Implementors Forum|Data Migration
The reports and documents in the release package make use of the system's locale to get the appropriate date and currency formats and to select the appropriate resource bundle. Many unix systems use the standard en_US.UTF-8 locale. To change the locale on a ubuntu system you can use:
sudo apt-get install language-pack-en-base sudo nano /etc/default/locale
to set the required locale, then log out and in again, and restart Tomcat.
The locale being used is shown on the Help screen.
OpenVPMS can generate documents using OpenOffice or Microsoft Word, or JasperReports templates. These have different requirements when it comes to fonts.
OpenOffice (.odt) or Microsoft Word (.doc) templates can use any font installed on the system.
Fonts may get remapped if the template was created on a Windows system but the OpenVPMS server is running on a unix system and the named font isn't available.
For example 'Bradley Hand ITC' will be mapped to 'URW Chancery L'. To avoid this, install the required fonts.
To install specific fonts on an Ubuntu server, see here.
JasperReports templates (.jrxml) included in the distribution use the DejaVu Sans font. Prior to OpenVPMS 2.3, this was specified within each template. From OpenVPMS 2.3, it is specified in the file
<TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/openvpms/WEB-INF/classes/ Sans
DejaVu Sans is used as it is widely available, but doesn't support all languages.
To use an alternative font:
The reports and documents in the release package make use of the system's locale to get the appropriate date and currency formats and to select the appropriate resource bundle.
Note that the locale used by OpenVPMS is that seen by the Java environment used by Tomcat and that this can be different from that you see when you log on as a Windows user. The locale being used is displayed on the Help screen. For how to set/check the Java locale see here.
If you run Tomcat under a user account, then you need to check the locale set for that account.
However, if you run Tomcat under the system account (the normal setup) then you need to ensure that the locale set for the 'Welcome Screen and System accounts' is as required. If not, on the Copy Settings window, click the 'Welcome screen and system account' box and press OK. Note also that it is the 'Format:' setting that determines the date and currency formats.
If you change the region settings, then you MUST restart Tomcat for the change to take affect.
OpenVPMS can generate documents using OpenOffice or Microsoft Word, or JasperReports templates. These have different requirements when it comes to fonts.
OpenOffice (.odt) or Microsoft Word (.doc) templates can use any font installed on the system.
Fonts may get remapped if a specified font is not available on the Windows system where OpenVPMS is deployed. To avoid this, install the required fonts as per
JasperReports templates (.jrxml) included in the distribution use the DejaVu Sans font. Prior to OpenVPMS 2.3, this was specified within each template. From OpenVPMS 2.3, it is specified in the file
<TOMCAT_HOME>\webapps\openvpms\WEB-INF\classes\ Sans
DejaVu Sans is used as it is widely available, but doesn't support all languages.
To use an alternative font:
The following describes how to install OpenVPMS from scratch and assumes that you have downloaded it and unpacked its zip file.
If you have not installed the other required software, see Requirements.
The headings below are:
Note that in the following the directory or folder separator character is shown as /, following unix conventions. On Windows, replace / with \. e.g. given:
change to:
The OpenVPMS installation has a single top-level directory named:
where XXX indicates the version.
This will be referred to as <OPENVPMS_HOME> in the remainder of this document. This directory has the following sub-directories:
Name | Contents |
archetypes | archetype definitions |
bin | tools used to configure and load data into OpenVPMS |
conf | configuration files for the tools in ../bin |
import | data to import into OpenVPMS |
legacy-migration | scripts used to migrate from releases prior to OpenVPMS 1.9. |
lib | jars used by the tools in ../bin |
reports | document templates for reporting |
plugins | plugin support |
webapps | the OpenVPMS web applications |
NOTE: the OpenVPMS installation directory should be secured to prevent unauthorised user access.
The MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver needs to be downloaded from:
It is typically named mysql-connector-java-8.<x>.zip or mysql-connector-java-<x>.tar.gz where <x> represents the minor version number.
The JDBC driver in the archive is named:
This needs to be copied to:
In the above, <TOMCAT_HOME> refers to the directory where Apache Tomcat is installed. On Windows, this will be something like:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0
To create the OpenVPMS MySQL database:
The toolbox configure command:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox configure Database URL [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openvpms?useSSL=false]: Database user [openvpms]: Database password: apasswd Reporting database URL [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openvpms?useSSL=false]: Reporting database user [openvpms]: Reporting database password [apasswd]: The file ../conf/ should have restrictive permissions to protect passwords Take a secure backup of the file ../conf/ This needs to be kept for subsequent updates.
If the MySQL database is on a different host to that running Tomcat, replace localhost in the Database URL with the correct host name or IP address.
The toolbox database --create command:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox database --create -u <admin-user> -p <admin-password> Created openvpms Archetypes successfully loaded
toolbox database --create -u <admin-user> -p <admin-password> --host <tomcat-host>
The dataload command provides two options:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > dataload setup
The dataload command creates a default administration user named admin with password admin.
This should be secured by providing a new password e.g.:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox user --setpassword admin -p somestrongpassword
The templates used for document (ie invoices, payments etc.) and reports, are located in:
These need to be loaded prior to use. This can be done using the toolbox template --load command.
There are 3 sizes of templates supported: A4, A5 and Letter (i.e. US-Letter).
To load all A4 templates:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox template --load --size A4 --all Loaded 'Counter Sale' Loaded 'Credit' Loaded 'Credit Adjustment' Loaded 'Debit Adjustment' Loaded 'Estimate' Loaded 'Estimate Items' Loaded 'Estimate Items-PT' Loaded 'Invoice' Loaded 'Invoice Items' Loaded 'Invoice Items-P ... Loaded 'Stock Movement Report' Loaded 'Stock Reorder Report' Loaded 'Stock Valuation Report' Loaded 'Stocktake Export Report' Loaded 'Stocktake List Report' Loaded 'HL7 Messages Report' Loaded 'Insurance Claims Report'
After installation, templates can be updated using via Administration|Templates.
Templates may be customised if necessary - those that have content with a:
Customising of the .odt template content will be required to:
Customising of the .jrxml template content is not generally required - the localisation is done using the Letterhead facility.
See also Introduction|Reporting, Reference|Reports and Forms, and Administration|Templates.
To install the OpenVPMS web application:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > ./toolbox war Created ../webapps/openvpms.war The file ../webapps/openvpms.war should have restrictive permissions to protect passwords
OpenVPMS uses OpenOffice to perform reporting, printing and document conversion.
Install it as per your platform's requirements and then:
C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4\program
Windows users can find instructions for changing the PATH here.
To test the installation, open up a web browser and enter the address:
Login to OpenVPMS using user admin and the password set above.
OpenVPMS ships with optional data that can be loaded as required. This includes:
Note that having loaded these (as with any external changes to the database) you should restart Tomcat to ensure that its caches do not hold obsolete information.
The VeNom codes are standardised codes for classifying veterinary data. OpenVPMS can use VeNom:
VeNom codes can all be loaded using:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin
> dataload -d ../import/data/VeNom
To load specific codes, see below.
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > dataload -f ../import/data/VeNom/presentingComplaint.xml
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > dataload -f ../import/data/VeNom/diagnosis.xml
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > dataload -f ../import/data/VeNom/visitReason.xml
These can be loaded using:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > dataload -f ../import/data/postcodesAU.xml
The installation includes a single administrator user named 'admin' that has authorities to perform all operations.
New users can be added in the web application at Administration - Users by clicking the New button.
Users have categories and roles that determine what they can do.
E.g., clinicians should be assigned:
See Concepts - Users for more details.
OpenVPMS can be installed on either a unix system (most commonly a Ubuntu* server), or a Windows system. For Windows, for small practices you can install on a desktop or laptop running Windows 7, 8 or 10; for larger practices it may be better to use a Windows Server operating system.
Both Java and MySQL are available in 32 and 64 bit versions.
If your system has more than 4GB of memory, use the 64 bit version.
See the following sections for the software requirements for OpenVPMS:
OpenVPMS may be run using Java 8 or Java 11. Java 11 is preferred, as Java 8 is reaching end-of-life.
There are multiple providers:
The mimum supported version of Java 8 is Java 8 update 161.
Earlier versions may not include the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files. These are required for strong password encryption. If Java is already installed, its version can be determined by running java -version e.g.:
> java -version java version "1.8.0_191" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_191-b12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.191-b12, mixed mode)
There are a number of locale changes in Java 11, compared to Java 8.
This causes differences in formatting for date functions that use the LONG, MEDIUM and SHORT date formats, or include MMM (e.g., MMM yyyy). This will affect JasperReports in particular.
E.g. in Java 8, a MEDIUM date format in the en_AU locale would display:
whereas in Java 11 displays:
20 Sep. 2006
The Java 8 functionality can be retained by passing the following argument to java:
When using the standard Tomcat scripts, this can be done by setting the CATALINA_OPTS environment variable:
In a setenv.bat script in the same directory as catalina.bat, add:
set CATALINA_OPTS=-Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT,CLDR
In a script in the same directory as, add:
export CATALINA_OPTS=-Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT,CLDR
Tomcat 8.x is supported.
On Windows, select the 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer
NOTE: when upgrading from an earlier MySQL release, see the relevant MySQL manual for migrating the MySQL data e.g.:
This may already be included in the MySQL server installation.
OpenOffice 4.0.x or higher
NOTE: several users have indicated that LibreOffice 5 is not 100% compatible with OpenOffice. Fields may not merge correctly, and documents created in LibreOffice may look different when printed via OpenVPMS.
A host with 4GB memory is the minimum recommended size for a server running OpenVPMS, with at least:
To set Tomcat's memory allocation, see How do I adjust memory settings?
Also see:
For unix systems see Unix Locale and Fonts
For windows systems see Windows Locale and Fonts
If you wish to use the External Edit facility, the following software is required on all workstations that will edit documents in OpenVPMS:
This page addresses various security related matters.
The database user name and password is configured via the toolbox configure command which stores the configuration in:
When the database is created, these are used to create a corresponding MySQL database user.
If the database user name or password is changed*:
* For information on setting the MSQL password see:
The default installation creates an OpenVPMS user named 'admin', with password 'admin'. This should be changed using either:
toolbox user --setpassword admin -p somestrongpassword
User passwords can be configured using:
toolbox user --setpassword admin -p somestrongpassword
There is little restriction on what passwords may be entered, but it is recommended that strong passwords are used.
The OpenVPMS and Tomcat installation directories should only be accessible to a single user with a strong password.
These directories contain files that could enable an attacker to gain access to the OpenVPMS web application, or the MySQL database.
For security, Tomcat should be configured to use HTTPS connections. These encrypt data travelling between the browser and web server.
See SSL/TLS Configuration HOW-TO in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
The default configuration disables SSL access to the MySQL database server by specifying useSSL=false in the JDBC connection string i.e.:
db.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openvpms_dev?useSSL=false
To connect to a MySQL server securely, see Connecting Securely Using SSL in the MySQL documentation.
OpenVPMS relies on user subscriptions to fund development.
Your subscription status is displayed on the OpenVPMS login screen. If you have not paid, a link to a payment page is displayed. On payment, a subscription key will be mailed to you.
If you have a current subscription, you can request a subscription key by emailing a copy of your receipt to subscription[at]openvpms[dot]org.
To update your subscription status, edit the Practice in the Administration|Organisation workspace and upload the new subscription key.
This section details the procedure to be used when upgrading to a new release of OpenVPMS.
The headings below are:
Having installed the new release, you may want to look at the Implementation Checklist page.
Note that in the following the directory or folder separator character is shown as /, following unix conventions. On Windows, replace / with \. e.g. given:
change to:
Release Notes are provided for sub-releases (eg 2.2.1, 2.2.2 etc). If you are upgrading to a sub-release then you should consult the release notes on the download page at
The software required to run OpenVPMS may change between releases.
Check Requirements to ensure you have the necessary software.
These instructions assume that:
1. The previous OpenVPMS installation is available in <OPENVPMS_PREV>.
e.g. on Windows:
2. The new installation will be located in <OPENVPMS_HOME>.
e.g. on Windows:
NOTE: the OpenVPMS version can be excluded from the path name, for example c:\OpenVPMS-Current Release - when upgrading you can rename this to say 'Current Release prev' . This can simplify upgrades by removing the need to change custom scripts that contain the installation path.
The previous installation should be retained until:
Starting with OpenVPMS 2.2, there is an configuration file located in the <OPENVPMS_HOME>/conf directory.
This contains:
This is created or updated using:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox configure
Backup be done using the mysqldump tool. e.g.:
> mysqldump -u openvpms -p openvpms --result-file openvpms.sql
NOTE: It is good practice to ensure that the backup can be restored to a different server, prior to performing any upgrade.
See also How To - Administration - Backup.
Allow time for the database upgrade to take place. On large databases, this may take several hours.
In practices with limited windows for downtime, do a trial upgrade on a different host to estimate how long will be needed to perform the real migration.
The upgrade time may be reduced by making innodb_buffer_pool_size as large as possible for the duration of the upgrade.
Copy the MySQL JDBC driver mysql-connector-java-<x>.jar from <OPENVPMS_PREV>/lib to <OPENVPMS_HOME>/lib
Database migration can require as much disk space as the largest table in the database. As a rule of thumb, ensure there is at least as much disk free as the database currently occupies, on the disk where the database resides.
The current database size can be determined by running:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox database --size openvpms 100.05 GB
If you are replicating your OpenVPMS database, you must ensure that row-based replication is used. The upgrade scripts are not compatible with statement-based replication.
If you are upgrading from OpenVPMS 1.9 or a later release, then database migration is accomplished using the toolbox utility:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox database --update 37 changes need to be applied to update the database to the latest release. WARNING: Updating the database can take a long time. See for instructions on: . backing up the database . determining disk space requirements . speeding up the update DO NOT continue if the database is not backed up. Proceed with the update? [Y/n] Y
Upgrading from a version of OpenVPMS earlier than 1.9 requires that migration scripts first be run to bring the database up to 1.9, and then you can use the toolbox utility as above.
The scripts are located in the <OPENVPMS_HOME>/legacy-migration directory. With the exception of the 1.5 to 1.6 release (where there was no change to the database structure), there is one sql script per release.
The sql scripts are:
You need to run each relevant one in turn using the mysql utility.
Hence if you are upgrading from OpenVPMS 1.8, run:
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.8-to-1.9.sql
If you are upgrading from OpenVPMS 1.7, run:
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.7-to-1.8.sql
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.7-to-1.9.sql
If you are upgrading from OpenVPMS 1.5 or 1.6, run:
I > mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.6-to-1.7.sql
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.7-to-1.8.sql
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.8-to-1.9.sql
If you are upgrading from OpenVPMS 1.0 - you need the lot, so run:
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.0-to-1.1.sql
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.1-to-1.2.sql
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.2-to-1.3.sql
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.3-to-1.4.sql
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.4-to-1.5.sql
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.6-to-1.7.sql
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.7-to-1.8.sql
> mysql -u openvpms -p openvpms < migrate-1.8-to-1.9.sql
NOTE: With a large database, the 1.8 to 1.9 migration takes some time and using the -v or -v -v -v option is useful to reassure yourself that something is happening.
The web application needs to be created with the properties from <OPENVPMS_HOME>/conf/
This is done using the toolbox war command i.e.:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox war Created ../webapps/openvpms.war The file ../webapps/openvpms.war should have restrictive permissions to protect passwords
The existing web application should be removed before installing the new version.
To do this:
If you use customised versions of the standard archetypes, or have added archetypes, these will need to be loaded.
For modified versions of the standard archetypes, be sure to incorporate any changes that have been made.
You should then use toolbox archetype --load to load these archetypes - or if you have only a few, use Administration|Archetypes|Import.
If you have customised versions of,, or you need to install these in
You can simply overwrite the default with your own version.
However, and will need to be edited to bring your adjustments into the current versions.
If you have a customised default.stylesheet, then the version in
will need to be edited to incorporate your changes.
Now restart Apache Tomcat so the above customisations get picked up and login and see that things are as they should be.
To take advantage of the new and revised templates, they need to be loaded.
Templates are divided into two types:
• document templates - Invoices, Receipts etc
• report templates - reports run from Reporting - Reports
It is strongly recommended that all sites run the latest versions of the standard reports.
If a site is using:
After loading, obsolete templates may need to be manually removed.
Templates can be selectively loaded:
Document and report templates can be loaded separately. This can be useful if a site has customised one and not the other.
Document templates can be loaded using:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox template --load --size <size> documents
where size is one of A4, A5, or Letter.
Report templates can be loaded using:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox template --load --size <size> reports
where size is one of A4, or Letter.
In both cases, these will:
To load a subset of the available templates, specify them by name e.g.:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox template --load --size A4 'Invoice' 'Invoice Items' 'Invoice Items-PT' Loaded 'Invoice' Loaded 'Invoice Items' Loaded 'Invoice Items-PT'
To create a templates file that loads only the desired files, copy an existing templates xml file, and remove the lines that do not apply.
This will prevent standard templates replacing existing custom templates.
E.g., to exclude loading A4 invoices:
<template name="Invoice" archetype="act.customerAccountChargesInvoice" reportType="CUSTOMER"
description="Invoice " path="Customer/Invoice/A5/Invoice.jrxml" mimeType="text/xml"
<template name="Invoice Items" archetype="SUBREPORT" reportType="CUSTOMER" description="Invoice Items "
path="Customer/Invoice/A5/Invoice Items.jrxml" mimeType="text/xml" docType="document.other"/>
3. load the templates
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox template --load --file ../reports/mydocuments.xml --all
Restart Tomcat after loading templates to ensure that its caches do not contain obsolete information.
See also Obsolete Document Templates.
Some document templates have been either renamed, had their content name changed, or are no longer used.
The following templates have been superseded in OpenVPMS 2.3. If they are unused, they can be deleted.
Name | Content | Replaced By |
Desexing Certificate | Desexing Certificate.odt | Desexing Certificate.jrxml |
Prescription | Prescription.odt | Prescription.jrxml |
Referral Letter | Referral Letter.odt | Referral Letter.jrxml |
Vaccination Certificate | Vaccination Certificate.odt | Vaccination Certificate.jrxml Vaccination Certificate with reminders.jrxml |
Drug Label | Label.jrxml | Label 46x79.jrxml Label 54x70.jrxml Label 54x101.jrxml Label 56x79.jrxml |
Grouped Reminders | Grouped Reminders.jrxml | Customer Grouped Reminder.jrxml Patient Grouped Reminder.jrxml |
Reminder Cartrophen First | Reminder Cartrophen First.odt | Patient Single Reminder.jrxml |
Reminder Desexing First | Reminder Desexing First.odt | Patient Single Reminder.jrxml |
Reminder Vaccination First | Reminder Vaccination First.odt | Patient Single Reminder.jrxml |
No templates became obsolete between the 1.9 and 2.2 releases.
If you have upgraded from 1.8 and you have used the templateload utility to load the 1.9 template set, then the following templates can be deleted as they are no longer used:
Name | Content |
Counter Sale Items | Counter Sale Items.jrxml |
Credit Items | Credit Items.jrxml |
Debtors - Current - SubReport2 | Debtors - Current - SubReport2.jrxml |
Supplier Credit Items | Supplier Credit Items.jrxml |
Pharmacy Return Items | Pharmacy Return Items.jrxml |
Refund Items | Refund Items.jrxml |
If you have upgraded from 1.7 and you used the templateload utility to load the 1.8 or 1.9 template set, then, unless you have manually deleted them, you will have obsolete 1.7 document templates in your system. The table below lists those templates that can be deleted.
Name | Content |
Appointment | Appointment A5.jrxml |
Bank Deposit | Bank Deposit A4.jrxml |
Counter Sale | countersale a4.jrxml |
Counter Sale | countersale a5.jrxml |
Counter Sale Items | countersaleItems.jrxml |
Counter Sale Items | countersaleItemsA5.jrxml |
Credit | credit a4.jrxml |
Credit | credit a5.jrxml |
Credit Adjustment | Credit Adjustment A5.jrxml |
Credit Items | creditItems.jrxml |
Credit Items | creditItemsA5.jrxml |
Customer Account Balance Report | customerAccountBalance.jrxml |
Debit Adjustment | Debit Adjustment A5.jrxml |
Desexing Certificate | desexing certificate a4.odt |
Desexing Certificate | desexing certificate a5.odt |
Drug Label | label Dymo.jrxml |
Estimate | Estimate A4.jrxml |
Estimate | Estimate A5.jrxml |
Estimate Items | Estimate Items A4.jrxml |
Estimate Items | Estimate Items A5.jrxml |
Grouped Reminders Report | grouped reminders a4.jrxml |
Invoice | invoice a4.jrxml |
Invoice | invoice a5.jrxml |
Invoice Items | invoiceitems.jrxml |
Invoice Items | invoiceitemsa5.jrxml |
Invoice Reminders | invoiceRemindersA4.jrxml |
Invoice Reminders | invoiceRemindersA5.jrxml |
Message | message a4.jrxml |
Order Items | orderItems.jrxml |
Patient Clinical Event | patientClinicalEvent a4.jrxml |
Patient Clinical Event | patientClinicalEvent a5.jrxml |
Patient Image | patientDocumentImage.jrxml |
Patient Reminders Report | patientReminders.jrxml |
Receipt | receipt a4.jrxml |
Receipt | receipt a5.jrxml |
Receipt Items | receiptItems.jrxml |
Receipt Items | receiptItemsA5.jrxml |
Refund | Refund A5.jrxml |
Refund Items | Refund Items A5.jrxml |
Reminder Cartrophen First | cartrophen first reminder.odt |
Reminder Desexing First | desex first reminder.odt |
Reminder Vaccination First | vaccination first reminder.odt |
Reminder Vaccination Puppy and Kitten First | vaccination puppy kitten first reminder.odt |
Reminder Vaccination Second | vaccination second reminder.odt |
Statement | statement A4.jrxml |
Statement | statement A5.jrxml |
Statement Items | statementItems A5.jrxml |
Statement Items | statementItems.jrxml |
Stock Adjustment | Stock Adjustment A4.jrxml |
Stock Adjustment Items | Stock Adjustment Items A4.jrxml |
Stock Take List Report | stock take list.jrxml |
Stock Transfer | Stock Transfer A4.jrxml |
Stock Transfer Items | Stock Transfer Items A4.jrxml |
Supplier Credit | Supplier Credit A5.jrxml |
Supplier Credit Items | Supplier Credit Items A5.jrxml |
Supplier Invoice | Supplier Invoice A5.jrxml |
Supplier Invoice Items | Supplier Invoice Items A5.jrxml |
Supplier Refund | Supplier Refund A5.jrxml |
Supplier Refund Items | Supplier Refund Items A5.jrxml |
Supplier Remittance | Supplier Remittance A5.jrxml |
Supplier Remittance Items | Supplier Remittance Items A5.jrxml |
Task | Task A5.jrxml |
Till Balance | TillBalance.jrxml |
Vaccination Certificate | vaccination certificate a4.odt |
Vaccination Certificate | vaccination certificate a5.odt |
Work In Progress Report | workInProgress.jrxml |
If you have an existing system but you are installing OpenVPMS on a new machine, you essentially go through the steps for a new install, but instead of creating a new openpms database, you restore your existing one, and then migrate that to the new release.
The steps are as follows:
If the existing database is from OpenVPMS 2.2 or higher, the file needs to be copied from the existing installation to the new installation.
This is located in <OPENVPMS_HOME>/conf.
If the existing database is from an earlier release, needs to be configured. See Run 'toolbox configure'.
To create an OpenVPMS database, run the following in a shell prompt:
> cd <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin > toolbox database --create --empty -u <admin-user> -p <admin-password> Created openvpms
Replace <admin-user> with a user that has administrator privileges in MySQL and <admin-password> with their password.
The user only has privileges to connect from localhost. If the MySQL database is a different host to that running Tomcat, use the --host argument to specify the Tomcat host:
> toolbox database --create -u <admin-user> -p <admin-password> --host <tomcat-host>
Once the database is created, the mysql utility can be used to restore the backup onto the new machine. This is done using the command:
> mysql -u <admin-user> -p openvpms < openvpms.sql
If the database to restore a backup to already exists, it should be dropped first.
> mysql -u <admin-user> -p > drop schema openvpms; Query OK, 46 rows affected (1.04 sec) > quit