This is the Summary tab of the Visit Editor. The screen shot below is taken from an active practice and hence some data has been intentionally blurred.
[Careful observers will also note that this is a screen shot from a system using a modified label for the Find button.]
The buttons are as follows:
OK - save any changes and close the Visit Editor.
Cancel - cancel any changes and close the Visit Editor.
New - add a new item to the medical record - a window will open allowing you to select the type.
Edit - edit the selected item
Delete - delete the selected record - a confirmation window will be displayed.
Print - print what is shown on on the screen.
Mail - email what is shown on the screen.
External Edit - this button appears if the selected record is a document that can be edited in OpenOffice. Clicking this will launch the OpenOffice editor to edit the document directly, avoiding the need to download, edit and re-upload the document.
This screen is very similar to the Patients|Medical Records Summary tab - see this for further information.
When you press the Delete button on the Visit Editor|Summary screen, a confirmation window will appear.
Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort.
This window is displayed when you press the New button on the Visit Editor's Summary screen. It allows you to select the type of medical record entry, alert/reminder, or document to be created. Select the required one and press OK, else Cancel to abort.