This is the create/edit/view screen for product Templates. These are used to group a number of products together so that time is saved when generating invoices and estimates.
The fields are as follows:
Id - the ID of the template
Name - its name
Description - used to clarify the name if necessary
Print Aggregate - if checked, the template will be printed as an aggregate in charges and estimates. If unchecked, each line item produced by the template will be printed.
Type - this is used to set the Product Type - see Concepts|Products. These aren't required for Templates but may be used for classification and reporting.
Use only in Templates - if ticked, indicates that the product can only be used in charges and estimates via another Product Template
Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the product
Invoice Note - if present, this is added to the invoice note of the invoice. It is added to any pre-existing text and does not replace it. If a template is used in an Estimate, the Invoice Note will be included when the Estimate is invoiced.
Visit Note - if present, this is added to the medical record as a note.
Includes are the items that the template includes. These can be either products or templates.
An included item may have a:
If the template includes other templates, then when the template is used, any repeated product will have its quantities summed so that it only appears once in the invoice or estimate.
If the included template has a quantity other than 1, then this is used to multiply the quantities of the included products. Hence if Template A includes 2 of Template B and Template B includes 3 of Product X, then the total quantity of Product X will be 2x3=6.
Note that a template cannot include itself - either directly or indirectly (ie A includes B which includes A). The first will cause an immediate error and you will not be able to save the template. The second will cause an error when the template is used.
If a template includes a Medication with doses, the calculated dose will override the Low and High Quantity, except when the Low Quantity is zero.
See Tabs for a description of the fields in the other various tabs.