OpenVPMS supports integration with VetCheck.
VetCheck can generate digital practice forms with e-signature, digital dental or GA monitoring charts, vaccination certifications, discharge instructions, home care videos, pet healthcare programs & handouts.
VetCheck emails generated forms to the customer, and these are also included as clickable links in patient history.
To use VetCheck:
1. Sign up for an account at
2. Select the Enable VetCheck flag in the Practice.
Log out and back in for the changes to take effect.
This adds a VetCheck button in:
To generate handouts etc for a patient:
1. Click the button in the patient summary.
The VetCheck website will be displayed in a popup window, with the following details submitted:
2. Enter your VetCheck credentials to log in
3. Search for a handout
5. Fill out the details and click SHARE A SINGLE HANDOUT
To administer VetCheck templates, click the VetCheck button in Administration - Templates.