The Debtors screen is used to manage debtors. You can:
For background information, see Concepts|Accounting. See also the note on statement detail at the bottom of this page.
How to summary:
This is a standard select screen. The selection fields are:
Customer Account Type - this allows you to select customers by their account type
Overdue From & To - use these to select overdue accounts. They are entered as the number of days after the statement date, ie 30 and 60 will select accounts that are between 30 and 60 days overdue. They are both optional. If you enter bad data, it is ignored. Hence:
From | To | Meaning |
all | ||
30 | more that 30 days overdue | |
30 | xxx | same as above (bad To value ignored) |
60 | up to 60 days overdue | |
xxx | 60 | same as above (bad From value ignored) |
Customer From & To - this allows you to select customers by name. For this to work as expected you need to set both the From and To entries and the To value must be greater than the From. If you get this wrong, eg search from 't' to 't', no error will be reported, you will just get 'No results to display'.
Statement Date - the date of the end of the accounting period. Normally this will be the last day in the previous month if you are doing end-of-period and statement printing. However, if you are doing debtors management, then this should be set to the current date so that you can see the current situation.
Balances - you can select All, Current or Overdue. 'Current' selects those customers who do not have an overdue balance, 'Overdue' just those who do have an overdue balance.
Exclude Credit - uncheck the box if you also want to include customers with credit balances. Note that irrespective of any of the selection settings, customers with zero balances are never displayed.
Customer Location can be used to filter customers using their preferred practice location, to support location specific content. Selecting:
The column headings are:
Customer Name - the customers' names - each is a link to the customer.
Balance - the balance of the account as at the Statement Date.
Overdue Balance - the overdue balance, see below
Credit Balance - if the account is in credit the amount will be shown here (as well as in the Balance column)
Unbilled - the amount that is unbilled, ie the total of any in-progress, on-hold, or completed transactions
Last Payment Date & Amount - the date and amount of the last payment
Last Invoice Date - the date of the last invoice
The Buttons are:
Send All - generates the statements for the selected customers. This will display a confirmation window - which will also allow you to request the reprint of statements of previously printed statements (which would otherwise not be reprinted).
Note that you normally use Send All only after you have used End Period, and you should keep the same Statement Date for both.
The statements generated will be emailed to the customer (rather than printed) if the customer has an email address with the purpose 'Billing'.
The document template used for the statements will be that with the type 'Customer Statement' - and this MUST have an Email Template specified - see Administration|Templates.
Print - prints a statement for the currently selected customer
Report - prints a Debtors report for the accounts of the customers shown on the screen - ie only those customers who match the current selection criteria. Note that this report does not show the selection critera. The document template used for the Debtors report will be that with the type 'Customer Account Balance'.
End Period - initiates the end-of-period processing for all customers (not just those selected). A confirmation window will be displayed. It has a 'Finalise Completed Invoices' checkbox - you should normally leave this ticked. However, if your practice has a policy that all invoices should be manually finalised by the accounts department, then you should untick this. In this case the completed/not finalised ones will be held over and not included in the closing balance.
Note that you use End Period before you have used Send All, and you should keep the same Statement Date for both.
Overdue calculation
The overdue date, ie the date at which an account becomes overdue is calculated as:
overdue date = statement date - customer's account type payment terms
If the customer doesn't have an account type, then the overdue date is the statement date.
A balance is overdue if it's unpaid or part paid, and has been so since prior to the overdue date.
Statement Detail
The standard statements generated by the system use a document template that is written so that whether or not the statement contains line item detail depends on the Line Item Print option in the Letterhead that is being used. The options are Always, Never, and 'Not Printed'. If the latter, then the line items are shown if the invoice's Print flag is not set. (This flag is set when the finalised invoice is printed - emailing or previewing does not set the flag.)
Emailed Statements
When statements are emailed, the From address will be set to:
Location Specific Statements
Location specific statement content can be supported by:
This confirmation window is displayed when you press End Period to to do the end-of-period processing.
There is a 'Finalise completed invoices' check box. You should normally leave this ticked. However, if your practice has a policy that all invoices should be manually finalised by the accounts department, then you should untick this. In this case the completed/not finalised ones will be held over and not included in the closing balance.
Click OK to proceed, else Cancel.
This screen is used to confirm that the Account Balance Report should be run. Press OK to proceed, Cancel to Cancel.
This confirmation window is displayed when you press Send All to generate the statements.
There is a 'Reprint statements' check box. If you are reprinting, you MUST check this so that Accounting Fees are not levied again on any overdue accounts.
Click OK to proceed, else Cancel.
The Reminders tab shows account reminders for unpaid invoices and counter sales.
These are sent by the Account Reminder Sender job.
The fields are as follows:
Status |
Filters by reminder status. One of:
All | Select reminders for all dates. |
From | Select reminders for charges finalised from the entered date |
To | Select reminders for charges finalised up to the entered date |
Location |
Used to filter reminders by the location where the charge was performed. |
The columns are as follows:
Type | Shows the reminder type. These determine how a reminder will be sent. |
Status | The reminder status |
Send | The date from when the reminder should be sent. |
Next Reminder | The date of the next reminder, if the charge is still unpaid. |
Customer | The customer to send the reminder to. |
Error | Any error encountered processing the reminder. |
Selecting a reminder will display the associated charge below.
The buttons are as follows:
Find | Find all reminders matching the criteria. |
Send All | Send all reminders. This launches the Account Reminder Sender job. |
Resolve | If a reminder has Error status, this marks the selected reminder item as Queued. This allows them to be sent when the Account Reminder Sender job next runs. |
Resolve All | Marks all reminders with Error status matching the criteria as Queued. This allows them to be sent when the Account Reminder Sender job next runs. |
Disable Reminders | Disable reminders for the selected charge. |