

This screen allows you manage the Users.  See also Concepts|Users.

The buttons are as follows:

New Create a new user.
View View the selected user.
Edit Edit the selected user.
Delete Delete the selected user.
Default Preferences Edit the default preferences. These are assigned to users when they are first created.
Edit Preferences Edit the preferences of the selected user.
Reset Preferences Resets the preferences of the selected user to the defaults
Password Policy Edit the policy for user passwords.
Synchronise with Smart Flow Sheet Synchronises clinicians with Smart Flow Sheet. See Clinician synchronisation for more details.


Confirm Delete


When you press the Delete button on the Administration|Users screen, a confirmation window will appear.

If the selected User is not in use and can be deleted, the window will simply ask you to confirm the delete. Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort.

If it cannot be deleted because it is in use, the text will be "xxxx has relationships and cannot be deleted. Do you want to deactivate it instead?"(where xxx is the name of the item you are trying to delete). Pressing OK will unset its Active flag, Cancel will abort.



This screen allows you to create, edit and view Users. See also Concepts|Users for background information.

The fields are as follows:

  • Login Name
The name with which the user logs in. Note that you can set this to have upper and lower case letters (eg Doris). The user will be able to login with doris, Doris, DORIS, or even doRis. The upper case version of the login name must be unique, ie you cannot have one user named Doris and another named DORIS.
  • Password,
    Confirm Password
The user's password. This must conform to the Password Policy.
  • Change Password 
When checked, forces the user to change their password when they next login.
API users will not be able to connect until the password is changed.
  • Name
The name that will be used within the system - ie that shown in the Clinician pull-downs, and the name used to send messages. As shown in the above, this need not be a full name, and it is faster to select the clinician if the name is short or has a unique first letter.
  • Description
If you use short names then this should be the person's full name, else if can be any useful text.
  • Active
Uncheck this box to deactivate the user.
  • Title
User title, used for reporting purposes.
  • First Name
User first name, used for reporting purposes.
  • Last Name
User surname, used for reporting purposes.
  • Qualifications
User qualifications, used for reporting purposes.
  • User Level
Used to limit the reports a user can run.
  • Edit Preferences
When selected, the user can edit preferences via the gear icon
  • Colour
Used to set the colour used for the user when highlighting them on the Scheduling and Work Lists windows.  It is not necessary to set the colour for anyone who is not a clinician. You use the mouse to select the colour via the colour and luminosity/hue boxes. If you want to check the colours of the different users, the easiest way to do this is to view the user and then to use the Next and Previous buttons to run back and forth through the different user.
Note that you should avoid the 'light cream' colour f2f3b3 which displays as follows:
because this is used to highlight the selected item on the Workflow|Scheduling and Work Lists screens.
  • Online Booking
Determines if the user can be selected for appointments by online booking services. This only applies to clinicians.
  • Connect From Anywhere
Only applicable when the Firewall Access Type is set to Allowed Addresses, with specific user exceptions.
When ticked, allows the user to connect from any IP address.
  • Signature
An image of the user's signature, which can be automatically inserted into JasperReports.

Contacts tab - this is used to display, add, delete and edit the Contacts for the user - see here. Note that adding an email contact for each staff member makes it easy to CC or BCC staff on any emails sent.

Roles tab - this is used to display, add, delete and edit the Roles for the user

Groups tab - this is used to display, add, delete and edit the User Groups the user belongs to

Category tab - this is used to display, add, delete and edit the User Types for the user. Set Administrator for all users who need to access the Administration menu and other administrative functions (Customer Accounts Check and Merge, Patient Merge, and Product maintenance [Edit, Delete, Copy, Export & Import]). Set Clinician for any user who needs to be selectable in the Clinician pull-downs. You can set multiple categories, ie both Clinician and Administrator.

Location tab - this is used to display, add, delete and edit the Practice Locations for the user. You specify Practice Locations in order to limit the Locations that the user can select at the top right of the screen.  If you do not specify any, then the user can select any Location. You should set the default flag on the user's default Location- this will then be the selected Location when the user logs in.

Follow-up Work Lists tab - this is used to configure the work lists that may be selected when:

  • clicking the button in the patient summary, to add a follow-up task
  • the Follow-Up At Check Out option is selected to create follow-up tasks at check-out

Departments tab - this is used to display, add, delete and edit the Departments for the user, in order to limit the Departments that the user can select from. If no Departments are specified, the user can select any Department.

Password Policy


The Password Policy window allows the policy for user passwords to be set.

Note that when the policy changes, it only applies the next time a user changes their password.
Existing passwords are unaffected, even if they don't meet the policy requirements.

To ensure passwords meet the policy:


The fields are as follows:

Minimum Length The minimum password length.
Require at least one uppercase character  If selected, passwords must contain at least one uppercase character from the Latin alphabet (A-Z)
Require at least one lowercase character  If selected, passwords must contain at least one lower character from the Latin alphabet (a-z).
Require at least one number If selected, passwords must contain at least one number.
Require at least one non-alphanumeric character

If selected, passwords must contain at least one non-alphanumeric character:

! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~



This is the screen used to select a User. It works like a standard select screen.