The Administration|Types screen is a select screen that allows you to select the specific Type to be viewed or maintained. Below is the screen as initially displayed but with the Types pull-down list showing.
Note that if you do edit Administration|Types items (say to change an an appointment type colour), then the new values will not become available until the next time you log on (because these type settings are fetched once at logon time to improve performance).
Each Type has its own view/edit screen.
This screen allows you to create/view/edit the details for each Appointment Type. This and Organisation - Schedule determine what appointment types can be made.
The fields are as follows:
Appointment Type - it's name
Description - optional description for the appointment type.
Reason - the default reason for appointments with this type. Optional.
Colour - used to set the colour used to identify appointment types in the schedule screen. You use the mouse to select the colour via the colour and luminosity/hue boxes. If you want to check the colours of the different appointment types, the easiest way to do this is to view the appointment type and then to use the Next and Previous buttons to run back and forth through the different types.
Note that you should avoid the 'light cream' colour f2f3b3 which displays as follows:
because this is used to highlight the selected item on the Workflow - Scheduling screen.
Active - uncheck the box to deactivate the Appointment Type
Online Booking - determines if this appointment type is available for online booking
Send Appointment Reminders - if this box is checked, SMS reminders may be sent automatically for appointments with the appointment type, providing that their schedule also has Send Appointment Reminders checked.
This screen allows you to create/view/edit Cage Types.
These are used to:
The fields are as follows:
The products may be templates with weight rules, in order to support weight-based charging.
All charges are based on the time of check-in, and time of check-out. The appointment times are not used charging purposes.
Single pets are charged the First Pet Product - Day, if they check-in and out on the same day.
If they stay multiple days, they are charged First Pet Product - Overnight, with the quantity determined set to the number of days beween the current date and the pet's visit date. Any time is ignored.
If a customer has multiple pets in the same cage, and the pets are entering and leaving on the same days:
If a customer has multiple pets in the same cage, but the pets are entering and leaving on the different days, the Single Pet rule above applies to each pet.
Multiple pets in different cages are each charged using the Single Pet rule above.
If a Cage Type specifies a Late Checkout Time and Late Checkout Product, and the time at checkout is greater, then the Late Checkout Product will be charged, with quantity 1.
Calendar Block Types are used by Calendar Blocks to:
The fields are:
Name - the name of the Calendar Block Type
Description - optional description
Colour - used to set the colour used to identify blocks in the schedule screen. You use the mouse to select the colour via the colour and luminosity/hue boxes. If you want to check the colours of the different types, the easiest way to do this is to view the type and then to use the Next and Previous buttons to run back and forth through the different types.
Note that you should avoid the 'light cream' colour f2f3b3 which displays as follows:
because this is used to highlight the selected item on the Workflow|Scheduling screen.
Active - uncheck the box to deactivate the Calendar Block Type
Reserve For Account Types - specifies any Customer Account Types to reserve times for.
Reserve For Customer Types - specifies any Customer Types to reserve times for.
This screen allows you to create/view/edit the Discount Types. See also Concepts|Discounts.
The fields are as follows:
Name - the name of the discount
Description - a description that serves to clarify the name
Discount Type - either Percentage (ie a percentage of the amount), Fixed (ie a fixed amount), or At-cost + Rate + Tax
Rate - either the fixed amount (for the Fixed type), or the percentage amount (for the Percentage and At-cost types)
Include Fixed Amount - check this box if the discount is to apply to the fixed component of the product price as well as its unit component
Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the discount
Note that the 'At-cost + Rate + Tax' type is so-named to reflect how the discount amount is calculated. Whereas with a Percentage discount of 10%, the sale price is reduced by 10% and thus the discount amount is 10% of the original sale price.
With an At-cost discount of 10%, the item is sold for (cost+10%)+tax, and thus the discount amount will depend on the markup.
This is the screen used to select a Discount Type or a Discount Type Group. It works like a standard select screen.
This screen allows you to create/view/edit the Discount Groups. These are used to group together Discounts so that multiple discounts can be more easily set for a customer or patient. See also Concepts|Discounts.
The fields are as follows:
Name - the name of the discount group
Description - a description that serves to clarify the name
Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the discount group
Discounts Tab - used to add and delete the discount types in the group. Its fields are:
Discount - enter the name of the Discount or use the binoculars to display a list to select from
From and To Dates - these define the inclusive dates between which the discount applies. The From date is mandatory, the To date can be left unspecified and in this case means 'forever'.
Note that you cannot add the same discount type more than once, ie the group can only contain one of each discount type.
This is the screen used to select a Discount Type to be included in a Discount Type Group. It works like a standard select screen.
Online Booking Times can be used to specify the availability of an appointment Schedule for the purposes of online booking.
This can be used to restrict the days and times that a schedule is available.
The fields are:
Name - the name of the Onbline Booking Time type
Description - optional description
Active - uncheck the box to deactivate the Online Booking Time type
For each day of the week, the Opening Times are set as:
This screen allows you to create/view/edit the details for Patient Alert Types.
The fields are as follows:
Name - the Alert's name
Description - the Alert's description
Reason - a default reason. This will be copied to the Reason field of the Patient Alert
Priority - can be set to High, Medium or Low. If there are too many alerts for the display space, higher priority ones get preference.
Mandatory Alert - if ticked, Patient Alerts with this alert type will be displayed in a popup window, when a patient is selected that has the alert. Users must acknowledge the alert. Acknowledgement is only required once in a 24 hour period.
Colour - used to set the colour used for the alert. You use the mouse to select the colour via the colour and luminosity/hue boxes.
Duration - used to specify a default duration for alerts. Leave empty if alerts shouldn't have an end date
Interactive - if ticked, a Patient Alert editor will be displayed when products that link to the alert type are invoiced.
Class - an optional classification for the alert. OpenVPMS provides two types by default, Allergy and Aggression. (These are set via Administration|Lookups|Patient Alert Class.) Patient alerts with these classifications will be sent to HL7 interfaces, and Smart Flow Sheet.
Active - uncheck the box to deactivate the alert type
This screen allows you to create/edit/view the details for each Product Type. Each Merchandise, Medication, and Service Product can be given a Product Type. These allow you to:
a) determine how the product appears on the invoice
b) set different taxes by product type
c) set different discounts by product type
The fields are as follows:
Product Type - it's name
Description - you can use this to clarify the type of product
Invoice Sort Order - the lower the number set here, the earlier the item appears on the invoice. See below.
Detail on Invoice - untick this box if you want all the invoice items of the same type combined as one line item on the invoice. See below.
Active - uncheck the box to deactivate the Product Type
Pharmacy - this is only required if you use the HL7 facility where it is used the set a Pharmacy or Pharmacy Group for all products of this Type
Synchronise with Smart Flow Sheet - determines if products of this type will be synchronised with Smart Flow Sheet.
Taxes tab
This is used to display/set the taxes applicable to the Product Type. To adjust, click the tax in the Available or Selected box and then click the > or < button respectively.
Discounts tab
This is used to display/set the discounts applicable to the Product Type. The fields are as follows:
Discount - enter the Discount Type or click the binoculars to select one. Note that you cannot attach Discount Type Groups to a Product Type, only a Discount Type. You can add one or more.
From Date - the date from which the discount will apply
To Date - the date to which the discount will apply - left unspecified this means 'forever'
If you are using the standard invoice documents (or customised ones based on the standard versions), then invoice format depends on the 'Use Product Types' setting in the Letterhead record. If this is unchecked, then the Product Type is ignored. If it is checked then:
This screen allows you to view/edit the details for each Reminder Type. For general information on the Reminder system, see Concepts|Reminders. See also Stopper Reminders and Switch Reminders below.
The fields are as follows:
Name - its name
Description - you can use this to clarify the type of reminder
Active - uncheck the box to deactivate the Reminder Type
Group By - you can select None, Patient or Customer. Use None if you want individual reminders generated; use Patient to group multiple reminders for the one patient on one reminder, and use Customer to group multiple reminders for the customer's patients on one reminder. See also the Grouped Reminders discussion below.
Interactive - check this box if you want confirmation when this type of reminder is generated as a result of using a product to which the reminder is attached (such as a vaccination). Note that this sets the default setting of the Interactive flag for this reminder. However, each product that uses this reminder can have its own setting of the Interactive flag. Specifically, this means that if you have existing products using this reminder, then altering the Interactive setting here will have no effect - you will have to go and set the Interactive flag as required for each product that uses this reminder.
Reminder Interval - the period from the time that the reminder is created until it is due
Cancel Interval - the period of time after a reminder is due that it is automatically cancelled. This should be set to be a little more than the reminder count Interval set for the "last" template that you have - ie the one with the highest Count. If you set it less than the last Interval, then the reminder will be cancelled before all the reminders that you planned have been sent.
Sensitivity Interval - the period that determines the colour of the reminder when displayed on the Patient Information & Medical records screens when you click the Reminders bell icon in the left panel. It shows as follows:
If a given reminder has a sensitivity period of two weeks, then up until two weeks before the reminder is due, it will be shown in green; in the two weeks prior to and after the due date, it will be shown in orange; and after two weeks after the reminder date, it will be shown in red.
Note - an optional note that can be used in reporting, or on reminders, or simply as an extended description.
The Counts tab determines how reminders are sent. There should be at least one Reminder Count defined. Multiple Reminder Counts can be used so that different reminder notices are generated for the initial reminder and first, second, etc overdue notices.
The fields are as follows:
Count - this is the reminder number, 0 for the initial one, 1 for the second etc.
Interval - the period from the reminder Due Date when the reminder should be sent. The interval can be:
Template - required if a Reminder Rule indicates that reminders should be emailed, SMS'ed or printed. Enter the name of template or use the binoculars to search for one. Notes:
These determine how individual Reminder Counts are sent.
A Reminder Count may specify multiple rules. These are processed in order, until one is satisfied.
Each rule contains the following options, one or more of which may be selected:
If no rule is satisfied, then the Reminder will be processed as per List.
E.g. A Reminder Type might specify the following:
In the above, the first reminder will be sent:
The second reminder will be sent:
Multiple rules may be selected. If Contact and Print is selected, and both correspond to to the same customer contact, a duplicate is not created.
The Species tab is used to display and edit the species to which this reminder can apply. You don't have to use this facility. It is only needed if you want to ensure that species specific reminders are applied only to the relevant species. To adjust, click the species in the Available or Selected box and then click the > or < button respectively.
The Groups is used to display and edit the group(s) to which this reminder belongs. To adjust, click the group in the Available or Selected box and then click the > or < button respectively.
This facility is optional. It is only needed if you want to group reminders so that generating reminder B will complete an existing reminder A (for example for "Stopper" and "Switch" reminders - see below). Use Administration|Lookups|Reminder Groups to create a group named say G, and the use the Groups Tab to make both reminders A and B members of group G.
Stopper reminders are used to complete reminders that are no longer relevant.
E.g. for new puppies, a Desex reminder is created 4 months forward. When the actual desex operation is performed, this reminder should disappear, but with no creation of any future reminder.
Solution 1:
When a desex product is invoiced, a new Desex Complete reminder will be created. This will complete the original Desex reminder.
Solution 2:
When a desex product is invoiced, a new Desex reminder will be created. This will complete the original Desex reminder.
Both solutions produce the same outcome. The second requires less configuration, whereas the first may be clearer as to why the reminder has been completed (there is a corresonding Desex Complete).
"Switch" Reminders
A variant of the above case is where have a product whose sale needs to generate its own reminder but stop another reminder. Consider the following:
Senario - you want to offer vaccine antibody testing. That is, instead of having the client's dog vaccinated, you offer the option of having a blood test so that you can see if the dog already has enough antibodies (and therefore doesn't need to be revaccinated).
So, if a dog has one of these blood tests, then they no longer need to have a vaccination - so it should cancel out the reminder associated with the G6 vaccination. And it should create a new reminder to redo the blood test within a year.
Now when we invoice the Antibody test, it will complete any G6 reminders, but also create a new Antibody test reminder.
You will probably want to also create a cat/feline/F3 of the above.
Grouped Reminders processing
The Group By option indicates when reminders queued for Email, SMS or Print can be grouped. It does not apply to reminders that are queued for Export or List.
If a patient has:
then these will use the Reminder Configuration's Patient Grouped Reminder Template, irrespective of the Template specified for the applicable reminder count.
Similarly, if a customer has:
then these will use the Reminder Configuration's Customer Grouped Reminder Template.
Consider the following, and assume that reminders will be printed in all 4 cases:
If both the G6 and Proheart reminder types have their Group By set to Customer, then one document will generated for Sir Humphry. It will be generated using the Customer Grouped Reminders Template, and it will list the 4 reminders shown.
If both the G6 and Proheart reminder types have their Group By set to Patient, then two documents will be generated, one for Dotty, and one for Twiglet. They will be generated using the Patient Grouped Reminder Template.
If only the G6 reminder type has the Group By set to Customer, then 3 documents will be printed:
If Twiglet did not have a G6 vaccination due, then there would still be 3 documents, with the Grouped Reminder being replaced by a G6 vaccination reminder letter for Dotty.
That is, if the Group By is selected, then the appropriate Grouped Reminder Document Template will be used - but ONLY IF there are multiple reminders. If the customer only has one reminder (and thus there is no need to group them) then the Document Template used is that specified in the Reminder Type's Templates tab for the applicable reminder count.
A sample Grouped Reminders document template is included in the standard system. It will need tailoring for your practice.
Any Email Template linked to Grouped Reminders template follows the same format.
If the Reminder Configuration has Email Reminders as Attachments selected, the Grouped Reminder Template will be used to generate a summary of the reminders and include them as an attachment.
This screen is used to create/edit/view the Reminder Configuration - which determines how patient reminders will be processed.
Only one Reminder Configuration record is required and it must be linked to the Practice, for it to take effect.
The fields are as follows:
Name | The configuration name |
Description | The configuration description |
Active | Determines if this configuration is used. |
Location | The practice location to use when sending reminders, when a customer doesn't have a preferred practice location. This must be present when using the Patient Reminder Sender. |
Email Lead Time | The period prior to a reminder due date to start sending email reminders. |
Email Cancel Time | The period after an email reminder item send date when it should no longer be sent. So in the above case with the Lead Time set to 30 days, and the Cancel Time set to 28 days, the email will be sent up to 2 days prior to the due date. |
SMS Lead Time | The period prior to a reminder due date to start sending SMS reminders. |
SMS Cancel Time | The period after an SMS reminder item send date when it should no longer be sent. So in the above case with both the Lead Time and the Cancel Time set to 3 days, the SMS will be sent on the day 3 prior to the due date but not after that. |
Print Lead Time | The period prior to a reminder due date to print reminders for mailing. |
Print Cancel Time | The period after a print reminder item send date when it should no longer be printed. |
Export Lead Time | The period prior to a reminder due date to start exporting reminders. |
Export Cancel Time | The period after an export reminder item send date when it should no longer be exported. |
List Lead Time | The period prior to a reminder due date to start listing reminders. |
List Cancel Time | The period after a list reminder item send date when it should no longer be listed. |
Email Reminders as Attachments |
When selected, emailed reminders will include the reminder details as an attachment. When deselected, the reminder detail will be included in the body of the email. The Email Template is responsible for including the reminder detail. |
Customer Grouped Reminder Template |
The template to use when multiple reminders have Reminder Types that group by customer. If unspecified, no grouping will occur. |
Patient Grouped Reminder Template |
The template to use when multiple reminders have Reminder Types that group by patient. If unspecified, no grouping will occur. |
The Smart Flow Sheet Configuration provides practice-wide options for the Smart Flow Sheet interface.
It must be linked to the Practice to have any effect.
The fields are as follows:
Synchronise Notes |
If selected, notes entered into Smart Flow Sheet will be added to patient history. |
Minimum Word Count | When Synchronise Notes is selected, this specifies the minimum number of words that a note must have before it will appear in patient history. This is designed to filter notes from Smart Flow Sheet that are too short to add anything meaningful to the patient history. Note that this only applies to notes being added or the first time. If a note is added but then amended to have fewer words, it will be updated in patient history to reflect the new text. |
Save Flow Sheet Report On Discharge |
If selected, the flow sheet report will be saved to a patient's history when they are discharged. NOTE: if the Smart Flow Sheet Documents Management option Merge reports into one PDF is selected, they will be merged into this PDF. |
Save Medical Records Report On Discharge | If selected, the medical records report will be saved to a patient's history when they are discharged.
It will be saved as a PDF file named Smart Flow Sheet - Medical Records.pdf. Should be unticked if the if the Smart Flow Sheet Documents Management option Merge reports into one PDF is selected. |
Save Billing Report On Discharge |
If selected, the billing report will be saved to a patient's history when they are discharged. Should be unticked if the if the Smart Flow Sheet Documents Management option Merge reports into one PDF is selected. |
Save Notes Report On Discharge |
If selected, the notes report will be saved to a patient's history when they are discharged. Should be unticked if the if the Smart Flow Sheet Documents Management option Merge reports into one PDF is selected. |
Save Forms Reports On Discharge | If selected, each form report will be saved to a patient's history when they are discharged, as a PDF file. |
Save Anesthetics Reports On Discharge | If selected, each anesthetic report will be saved to a patient's history when they are discharged, as a PDF file. |
Save Dental Reports On Discharge | If selected, each dental chart report will be saved to a patient's history when they are discharged, as a PDF file.
Should be unticked if the if the Smart Flow Sheet Documents Management option Merge reports into one PDF is selected. |
This screen allows you to view/edit the details for each Task Type. This and Organisation|Work List determine what appointment types can be made.
The fields are as follows:
Task Type - its name
Description - you can use this to clarify the type of task
Colour - used to set the colour used to identify task types in the worklist screen. You use the mouse to select the colour via the colour and luminosity/hue boxes. If you want to check the colours of the different task types, the easiest way to do this is to view the task type and then to use the Next and Previous buttons to run back and forth through the different types.
Note that you should avoid the 'light cream' colour f2f3b3 which displays as follows:
because this is used to highlight the selected item on the Workflow|Work Lists screen.
Active - uncheck the box to deactivate the Task Type
When you press the Delete button on the Administration|Types screen, a confirmation window will appear.
If the selected Type is not in use and can be deleted, the window will simply ask you to confirm the delete. Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort.
If it cannot be deleted because it is in use, the text will be "xxxx has relationships and cannot be deleted. Do you want to deactivate it instead?" (where xxx is the name of the item you are trying to delete). Pressing OK will unset its Active flag, Cancel will abort.
If it is in use but can be deleted, the text will be "xxxx has relationships. Are you sure want to delete? This operation cannot be undone." (where xxx is the name of the item you are trying to delete). Pressing OK will delete the item as well as all references to it, Cancel will abort.
This is the New Type confirmation window. Select the Type to be created and then use OK to continue or Cancel to abort. Note that if you have selected one on the Type screen, then this will already be selected in this window (even if it is not showing in the list of types) - thus you can normally simply click OK to proceed.