

This screen is used to create/edit/view the Letterhead & Document Control records.

The fields are as follows:

  • Name
the name of the letterhead.
  • Description
the letterhead description.
  • Active
uncheck this box to deactivate the letterhead.
  • Company Tax ID 
the tax registration of your organisation. Enter both the registration name (e.g. ABN, VAT Reg, STS, etc) and the number/code. If your jurisdiction does not require this, leave it blank.
  • Logo
the logo for Letterhead templates. In the standard Letterhead.jrxml, the space allowed for the letterhead is 280 pixels wide, 100 high. If the uploaded image differs from this, it will be scaled to fit whilst retaining its shape.
Note: if a Logo File is also present, it will take precedence over Logo.
  • Logo File
the path to the image to use as a Letterhead logo.
If the path is incorrect, then no error will be reported but the logo area will be blank on the printed documents.
Note: this field is deprecated. Logo should be used instead.
  • HTML Logo URL
a URL to the practice logo. This can be used in email templates.
  • Base URL
a URL prefix used to help construct templates that refer to resources located at a common base path. These could be images, HTML, or plain text for example. The resources must be publicly accessible. When populating the field, it should always containing a trailing slash.
  • Contacts Source
either enter the Practice Location whose contacts are to be used , or leave blank - in which case the contacts used will be drawn from the user's current location.
  • Subreport Expression 
the content name of the subreport to be used to generate the letterhead (without the .jrxml extension).  This can be normally be left as the default value 'Letterhead'.  However, if you need to have different letterhead formats for your various locations, then you can clone these from the standard Letterhead.jrxml and specify their content file names here. Note that if you do use say 'MyPracticeLH', then you will also need to provide you own address block subreport with the content name 'MyPracticeLH Address Block.jrxml' and this can be cloned from the standard Letterhead Address Block subreport.
  • Plain Paper
check this box if you use plain paper. If you use pre-printed letterhead paper, uncheck the box - and the letterhead block will left blank unless the document is being emailed.
  • Letterhead Page 1 Only 
check this box if you use pre-printed letterhead paper but only for the first page (and your printer is set up to print the remaining pages on plain paper). Leave it unchecked otherwise. The setting of this option is ignored unless the Plain Paper option is unchecked.
  • Use Product Types
check this box to show the product type on each line item in invoices, credit notes, estimates and statements. The line items are grouped by product type and ordered by the product type's Invoice Sort Order. This option is not available on A5 format documents because of lack of space.
  • Reminders on Invoice
check this box to display on invoices any patient reminders due in the next 12 months.  A maximum of 4 lines are shown with reminders for products of the same product type on the same day for multiple patients combined on the one line
  • Appointments on Invoice 
check this box to display on invoices any appointments in the next 12 months.  If there are more than 3 then only the next 3 are shown.
  • Slogan
this text will be placed at the bottom of the last page.  It can use be used to display a slogan for your business. Note that space allowed for this is two lines. Text longer than this will be truncated.
  • Invoice Message
this text is shown at the end of the invoice (both for customer and counter sale invoices)
  • Invoice Payment Instr.
this text enables payment instructions to be printed on customer invoices (but not counter sales to anonymous customers). If the characters '[REF]' are present in the text they will be replaced by a reference code. This will consist of the first 5 letters of the customer name followed by their customer ID. Hence if Mr Fredricks is customer 34567, the reference code will be FREDR34567.
  • Receipt Message
this text is shown at the end of the payment receipt.
  • Estimate Message
this text is shown at the end of the estimate.
  • General Message
this text is shown at the end of customer documents other than invoices, estimates and receipts.
  • Order Message
this text is shown at the end of the order.
  • Supplier Message
this text is shown at the end of supplier documents other than orders.


The following fields affect the Debtors Statements. They are used to determine what payment instructions are shown, and whether or not Invoice line items are shown:

  • Credit Card Instructions
if you accept payment by credit card, enter the instructions here, else leave blank.
  • Direct Deposit Instructions
if you accept payment by direct deposit (or other electronic payment method into your bank account), enter the instructions here, else leave blank. If the characters '[REF]' are present in the text they will be replaced by a reference code. This will consist of the first 5 letters of the customer name followed by their customer ID. Hence if Mr Fredricks is customer 34567, the reference code will be FREDR34567.
  • Payment Option 3
if you have a 3rd payment option (for example by cheque), enter its instructions here, else leave blank.
  • Payment Option 4
if you have a 4th payment option, enter its instructions here, else leave blank.
  • Line Item Print

determines whether or not the invoice & credit line items are printed. The options are Always, Never, and 'Not Printed'. If the latter, then the line items are shown if the invoice's Print flag is not set. (This flag is set when the finalised invoice is printed - emailing or previewing does not set the flag.)


  • Reminder Message


this message is added to the end of the Grouped Reminders document.