The OpenOffice settings in Administration - System - Settings enable the OpenOffice configuration to be changed, and OpenOffice restarted.
This displays the:
The OpenOffice installation directory. |
The ports OpenOffice uses when it runs. |
The maximum number of tasks an OpenOffice process can execute before restarting. A value of 0 indicates processes will not restart. |
Indicates if OpenOffice is currently running. OpenOffice is started on demand, so will initially display No. Click Refresh to update the status if it has recently been restarted but this still indicates that it isn't running. |
The buttons are:
Displays a window to configure OpenOffice. |
Refreshes the display. |
Restarts OpenOffice. Any document generation and printing tasks will be terminated. |
Closes the settings window. |
The following OpenOffice properties can be configured:
The OpenOffice installation directory. |
A comma-separated list of ports to run OpenOffice on. To improve performance, multiple instances of OpenOffice can be run to support document generation and printing. E.g. to run two instances on ports 8100 and 8101, specify: 8100,8101 |
The maximum number of tasks an OpenOffice process can execute before restarting. A value of 0 indicates processes will not restart. Reliablity and stability can be improved by setting this to a non-zero value, although setting it too low will impact performance. |