Mac (OSX)


Quick guide to using openVPMS in OSX with mamp


  1. openvpms installation files
  2. MAMP (for mysql database)
  3. apache tomcat6
  4. Connector/J
  5. libreoffice

Download OpenVPMS Installation Files

Download the latest OpenVPMS Installation files. Create a folder within your home folder to unzip the release into.

The following assumes a user named user: Move the package to ~/user/openvpms and unzip the Installation Pack. This should create a ~/user/openvpmsopenvpms-release-x.x.x folder with the necessary files to install OpenVPMS.

Download and install MAMP

Installing MAMP provides a really easy way to configure and run MySQL. Download from

The free MAMP is fine, you don't need the paid pro version.

Download tomcat6

Download tar.gz core binary distribution of Apache Tomcat version 6 from

Unpack it and then move it to your home directory so it will be in ~/user/apache-tomcat-6.x.x/lib/



Download the connector/J which is needed to connect openvpms to the database. You then extract it and copy the mysql-connector-java-x.x.x-bin.jar to:

  1. ~/user/openvpmsopenvpms-release-x.x.x/lib/
  2. ~/user/apache-tomcat-6.x.x/lib/


Download libreoffice and install it


Setting the variables and paths

open a terminal window and edit your .profile file eg. type:

 nano .profile 

add the following to your .profile file


 export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home

export CATALINA_HOME=/users/user/apache-tomcat-6.0.35

export PATH=/Applications/$PATH 

Installing a fresh installation

Start the mysql database using mamp. Using phpmyadmin (installed with mamp) go the import tab and navigate to ~/user/openvpmsopenvpms-release-x.x.x/db/createdb.sql

Import it and then navigate to ~/user/openvpmsopenvpms-release-x.x.x/db/db.sql and import it as well. 

Now in a terminal window cd to ~/user/openvpmsopenvpms-release-x.x.x/bin

run the setup by typing

 ./ setup 

Copy the openvpms.war from ~/user/openvpmsopenvpms-release-x.x.x/webapps/ to ~/user/apache-tomcat-6.x.x/webapps/

Starting and stopping tomcat

Hopefully now you are ready to go. I installed this a long time ago so to the best of my knowledge I haven't missed any necessary configuration. To start and stop tomcat cd to ~/user/apache-tomcat-6.x.x/bin and then run 




using the terminal

Once it starts up you should be able to access openvpms at http://localhost:8080/openvpms/app