This tutorial describes step-by-step preparation of an alternate demo version of openVPMS for training purposes, allowing you to run the system without compromising your main installation.
You should be logged into the PC where openVPMS resides using an account with Administrator privileges.
Click Open Backup File (1), select your file (2), and click Open (3):
Once the operation is complete, click Close and exit MySQL Administrator.
Change the openvpms in the highlighted line to read openvpms-demo, thus:<param-value>openvpms-demo</param-value>
Save and close the file.4. Set Schema Privileges in MySQL Administrator
5. Change Background Colour To Orange
6. Restart and Test
Open Firefox and type in http://localhost:8080/openvpms-demo/app. Log in as admin/admin and you should have openVPMS in orange ready for you to use for training.
To start OpenVPMS-demo on another PC on the network, you will need to type in http://IPv4_address:8080/openvpms-demo; in example below,
Hope this helps.
Created 20 July 2011 (Author: Yuri Sos)