startTime |
The date associated with the document in the current locale format. i.e dd/MM/yyyy |
description |
The document description |
[party:getPartyFullName(party:getPractice())] |
Returns the Full Name of the Practice |
[party:getPracticeAddress()] |
Returns a single line version of the Practice address |
[party:getBillingAddress(party:getPractice())] |
Returns the formatted Billing address of the Practice |
[party:getCorrespondenceAddress(party:getPractice())] |
Returns the formatted Correspondence address of the Practice |
[party:getWorkTelephone(party:getPractice())] |
Returns the Practice work telephone. |
[party:getFaxNumber(party:getPractice())] |
Returns the Practice fax number |
[party:getEmailAddress(party:getPractice())] |
Returns the Practice Email Address |
customer.entity.id |
The customer ID |
customer.entity.title |
The customer Title |
customer.entity.initials |
The customer Initials |
customer.entity.name |
The customer Name in format <Lastname>,<FirstName> or <name> for organisations. |
[party:getPartyFullName(openvpms:get(.,'customer.entity'))] |
The customer Full Name in format <Title> <FirstName> <Lastname> or just name if an organisation. |
customer.entity.firstName |
The customer First Name |
customer.entity.lastname |
The customer Last Name |
[party:getBillingAddress(.)] |
Gets the first location contact for the customer which has a Billing Purpose. If no location with this purpose then gets first preferred location contact. If no preferred location gets first location contact found. |
[party:getCorrespondenceAddress(.)] |
Gets the first location contact for the customer which has a Correspondence Purpose. If no location with this purpose then gets first preferred location contact. If no preferred location gets first location contact found. |
customer.entity.description |
The customer Preferred Address and Home Phone Number in the format <street> <city> <state> <postcode> - <home phone number> |
[party:getEmailAddress(.)] |
The customer email address |
[party:getHomeTelephone(.)] |
Gets the first telephone contact with a purpose of Home. If no telephone contact with Home gets first preferred telephone contact. If no preferred get first telephone number found. |
[party:getWorkTelephone(.)] |
Gets the first telephone contact with a purpose of Work. If no telephone contact with Work gets first preferred telephone contact. If no preferred get first telephone number found. |
[party:getMobileTelephone(.)] |
Gets the first telephone contact with a purpose of Mobile. |
[party:getFaxNumber(openvpms:get(.,'customer.entity'))] |
Gets the first fax number found for the customer. |
[party:getAccountBalance(.)] |
Returns the current account balance for the customer |
[openvpms:get(party:getPatientOwner(.),'id')] |
The customer ID |
[openvpms:get(party:getPatientOwner(.),'title')] |
The customer Title |
[openvpms:get(party:getPatientOwner(.),'initials')] |
The customer Initials |
[openvpms:get(party:getPatientOwner(.),'name')] |
The customer Name in format <Lastname>,<FirstName> or <name> for organisations. |
[party:getPartyFullName(party:getPatientOwner(.))] |
The customer Full Name in format <Title> <FirstName> <Lastname> or just name if an organisation for the owner of the Patient associated with the document as at the date of the document. |
[openvpms:get(party:getPatientOwner(.),'firstName')] |
The customer First Name |
[openvpms:get(party:getPatientOwner(.),'lastName')] |
The customer Last Name |
[party:getBillingAddress(party:getPatientOwner(.))] |
Gets the first location contact for the customer which has a Billing Purpose. If no location with this purpose then gets first preferred location contact. If no preferred location gets first location contact found. |
[party:getCorrespondenceAddress(party:getPatientOwner(.))] |
Gets the first location contact for the customer which has a Correspondence Purpose. If no location with this purpose then gets first preferred location contact. If no preferred location gets first location contact found. |
[openvpms:get(party:getPatientOwner(.),'description')] |
The customer Preferred Address and Home Phone Number in the format <street> <city> <state> <postcode> - <home phone number> |
[party:getEmailAddress(party:getPatientOwner(.))] |
The customer email address |
[party:getHomeTelephone(party:getPatientOwner(.))] |
Gets the first telephone contact with a purpose of Home. If no telephone contact with Home gets first preferred telephone contact. If no preferred get first telephone number found. |
[party:getWorkTelephone(party:getPatientOwner(.))] |
Gets the first telephone contact with a purpose of Work. If no telephone contact with Work gets first preferred telephone contact. If no preferred get first telephone number found. |
[party:getMobileTelephone(party:getPatientOwner(.))] |
Gets the first telephone contact with a purpose of Mobile. |
[party:getFaxNumber(party:getPatientOwner(.))] |
Gets the first fax number found for the customer. |
[party:getAccountBalance(party:getPatientOwner(.))] |
Returns the current account balance for the customer who is the current owner of the current patient |
patient.entity.id |
The patient's ID |
patient.entity.name |
The patient's name |
patient.entity.species |
The patient's species |
patient.entity.breed |
The patient's breed |
patient.entity.sex |
The patient's sex |
[party:getPatientDesexStatus(.)] |
Returns status as "Entire" or "Desexed" |
[party:getPatientWeight(.)] |
The patient's weight |
patient.entity.colour |
The patient's colour |
patient.entity.dateOfBirth |
The patient's date of birth |
patient.entity.age |
The patient's age including words years, months and weeks as appropriate. |
[party:getPatientMicrochip(.)] |
The last microchip id for the patient. |
patient.entity.description |
Returns string of <sex> <colour> <breed> (Microchip: <microchip>) eg "Male Black Kelpie (Microchip: 956000001111234)". |
patient.entity.customFields.target.customFieldName | Patient | returns the name of custom fields.(You need to change "customFieldName" to match the name of the node that you want) |
clinician.entity.name |
The name of the clinician associated with the document as derived from Administration | Users | Pick User | Name. |
clinician.entity.description |
The description of the clinician associated with the document as derived from Administration | Users | Pick user | Description. |
id |
Investigation Request id number. |
product.entity.name |
The name of the product associated with the form. |
product.entity.printedName |
the printed name of the product associated with the form. |
[openvpms:get(., 'invoiceItem.source.batch.entity.name')] |
the Batch Number associated with a product. Note that for its use in a vaccination document the template must be attached to the vaccination product so that the certificate is generated when the vaccination is invoiced. This links the certificate to the invoice item, enabling the batch number to be located. |
[openvpms:get(., 'invoiceItem.source.batch.entity.product.activeEndTime')] |
the Expiry Date of the batch associated with a product. Note that for its use in a vaccination document the template must be attached to the vaccination product so that the certificate is generated when the vaccination is invoiced. This links the certificate to the invoice item, enabling the batch expiry date to be located. |
[openvpms:get(., 'invoiceItem.source.batch.entity.manufacturer.target.name')] |
the Manufacturer of the product associated with the batch number. Note that for its use in a vaccination document the template must be attached to the vaccination product so that the certificate is generated when the vaccination is invoiced. This links the certificate to the invoice item, enabling the batch manufacturer to be located. |
[openvpms:get(party:getPatientReferralVet(.),'firstName')] |
Returns the first Name of the Referring Vet associated with the Patient. The referring vet is selected based on the referral information for the patient and the date of the document. |
[openvpms:get(party:getPatientReferralVet(.),'lastName')] |
Returns the first Name of the Referring Vet associated with the Patient. The referring vet is selected based on the referral information for the patient and the date of the document. |
[openvpms:get(party:getPatientReferralVetPractice(.),'name')] |
Returns the name of the Referring Practice associated with the current Referring Vet for the patient. The referring practice is selected based on the dated associations with the referring vet and the document date. |
[party:getFaxNumber(party:getPatientReferralVetPractice(.))] |
Returns the fax number of the referring practice. |
[party:getFaxNumber(party:getPatientReferralVetPractice(.))] |
Returns the work telephone number for the referring practice |
[party:getBilling Address(party:getPatientReferralVetPractice(.))] |
Returns the formatted Billing Address for the Referring Practice. |
[party:getCorrespondence Address(party:getPatientReferralVetPractice(.))] |
Returns the formatted Correspondence address for the Referring Practice |