Practice Location


This screen is used to create/edit/view the Practice Locations, ie the branches of the practice. See Concepts|Practice and Locations for background.

The fields are as follows:
Location Name - the name of the location. This will appear on various reports and documents so it should be set as you want it to appear.
Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the location
Stock Control - check this box to enable stock control for this location
Mail Host - the host name of your ISP's SMTP server
Mail Port - its port
Mail Username - the username of your ISP account
Mail Password - its password
Mail Connection Security - set to None, SSL/TLS, or STARTTLS as required by your ISP. The standard setup is:   

Mail Port Security
25 None

Default Printer - use the pull-down to select the default printer for this location

The Contacts tab is used to view and maintain the various contacts. The types are as follows:
Location - you should set this so that it can appear on reports and documents
Phone - again you should set this so that it can appear on reports and documents
Fax - this as well
Email - you need to set this, not only so that it can appear on reports and documents, but also because it is used by the system when generating the From address on emails being sent out. Although the code that sends out Reminders and Statements via email uses the Practice's email addresses, emails initiated by users are sent out using the current location's email address.  If there are multiple email addresses set, then the user can choose the required one from a pull-down list.

See Concepts|Contacts for details.


Below is the Practice tab. Use this to set the Practice to which this location belongs. Note that you can have a location not attached to a practice, but it can't be used because it can't be selected using the Location pull-down at the top right of the screen.

Below is the Tills tab. Use this to set theTill(s) for the location. You must have at least one, otherwise there is nowhere to put the money. It is possible for multiple locations to share tills. See also Organisation|Tills.

Below is the Deposit Accounts tab. Use this to set the Deposit Account(s) for the location. You must have at least one, otherwise there is nowhere to deposit the money. It is possible for multiple locations to share accounts. See also Organisation|Deposit Accounts.

Below is the Schedule Views tab. Use this to set the Schedule Views for the location. You must have one, but can have more. Multiple locations can share Schedule Views. See also Organisation|Schedule Views.

Below is the Work List Views tab. Use this to set the Work List Views for the location. You must have one, but can have more. Multiple locations can share Work List Views. See also Organisation|Work List Views.

Below is the Stock Locations tab. Use this to set the Stock Locations for the location. If you have Stock Control enabled for this location then you must have one (and only one). Multiple locations can share the one stock location. See also Organisation|Stock Location.

Below is the OTC tab. Use this to set the OTC account for the location. You can only have one but multiple locations can share the one OTC account. See also Organisation|OTC.

Below is the Templates tab. Use this to set any location specific Document Templates. These are commonly used where it is necesssary for each location to have different logos on invoices, receipts etc. It is quite possible for a document to be generated with the current location's name and address, but its far more difficult to get it to use different images. See also Templates.



This is the screen used to select a Practice Location. It works like a standard select screen.