Reminder Export format


Reminders may be configured to be exported during reminder processing instead of mailed.

This file can be either comma or tab-delimited, depending on the Practice configuration.

The file contains the following fields:

Field Description
Customer Identifier Corresponds to the id node of party.customerperson
Customer Title Corresponds to the title node of party.customerperson
Customer First Name Corresponds to the firstName node of party.customerperson
Customer Initials Corresponds to the initials node of party.customerperson
Customer Surname Corresponds to the lastName node of party.customerperson
Company Name Corresponds to the companyName node of party.customerperson
Customer Street Address Corresponds to the address node of contact.location
Customer Suburb Corresponds to the suburb node of contact.location
Customer State Corresponds to the state node of contact.location
Customer Postcode Corresponds to the postCode node of contact.location
Customer Phone Corresponds to the areaCode and telephoneNumber nodes of contact.phoneNumber
Customer SMS Corresponds to the areaCode and telephoneNumber nodes of the contact.phoneNumber that has Allow SMS checked.
Customer Email Corresponds to the emailAddress node of
Patient Identifier Corresponds to the id node party.patientpet
Patient Name Corresponds to the name node of party.patientpet
Patient Species Corresponds to the species node of party.patientpet
Patient Breed Corresponds to the breed node of party.patientpet
Patient Sex Corresponds to the sex node of party.patientpet
Patient Colour Corresponds to the colour node of party.patientpet
Patient Date Of Birth Corresponds to the dateOfBirth node of party.patientpet
Reminder Type Identifier Corresponds to the id node of entity.reminderType
Reminder Type Name Corresponds to the name node of entity.reminderType
Reminder Due Date Corresponds to the endTime node of act.patientReminder
Reminder Count Corresponds to the reminderCount node of act.patientReminder
Reminder Last Sent Date Corresponds to the lastSent node of act.patientReminder