Report fields


If you are trying to use the Jaspersoft iReports tool to build a report, you will need to know the names of the names of the data source fields.

The first step is to determine the template Type, from this you can get from the table below the name of the archetype. Note that three (those in CAPS) are not archetypes - see Special Reports below.

Template Type Archetype
Appointment act.customerAppointment
Bank Deposit act.bankDeposit
Customer Account Balance CUSTOMER_BALANCE
Customer Counter Sale act.customerAccountChargesCounter
Customer Credit act.customerAccountChargesCredit
Customer Estimation act.customerEstimation
Customer Form act.customerDocumentForm
Customer Invoice act.customerAccountChargesInvoice
Customer Letter act.customerDocumentLetter
Customer Payment act.customerAccountPayment
Customer Refund act.customerAccountRefund
Customer Statement act.customerAccountOpeningBalance
Message act.userMessage
Patient Form act.patientDocumentForm
Patient Image act.patientDocumentImage
Patient Letter act.patientDocumentLetter
Patient Medication Label act.patientMedication
Patient Visit act.patientClinicalEvent
Prescription act.patientPrescription
Problem act.patientClinicalProblem
Reminder Report act.patientReminder
Stock Adjustment act.stockAdjust
Stock Transfer act.stockTransfer
Supplier Credit act.supplierAccountChargesCredit
Supplier Delivery act.supplierDelivery
Supplier Form act.supplierDocumentForm
Supplier Invoice act.supplierAccountChargesInvoice
Supplier Letter act.supplierDocumentLetter
Supplier Order act.supplierOrder
Supplier Remittance act.supplierAccountPayment
Task act.customerTask
Till Balance act.tillBalance
Work in Progress Charges WORK_IN_PROGRESS_CHARGES


You can determine the available fields to use in the report by looking at the corresponding archetypes (see Administration|Archetypes).

For example, the act.customerAppointment has the following nodes:

        <node name="id" path="/id" type="java.lang.Long" hidden="true" readOnly="true" />
        <node name="name" type="java.lang.String" path="/name" hidden="true" minCardinality="1" derived="true"
            derivedValue="'Appointment'" />
        <node name="customer" path="/participations" type="java.util.HashSet" minCardinality="1" maxCardinality="1"
            filter="participation.customer" />
        <node name="patient" path="/participations" type="java.util.HashSet" minCardinality="0" maxCardinality="1"
            filter="participation.patient" />
        <node name="appointmentType" path="/participations" type="java.util.HashSet" minCardinality="1" maxCardinality="1"
            filter="participation.appointmentType" />
        <node name="startTime" path="/activityStartTime" type="java.util.Date" minCardinality="1" />
        <node name="endTime" path="/activityEndTime" type="java.util.Date" minCardinality="1" />

Each of these nodes may be used in reports as follows:

Node Jasper Expression Class Jasper Field
id java.lang.Long $F{id}
name java.lang.String $F{name}
customer java.lang.String $F{}
patient java.lang.String $F{}
appointmentType java.lang.String $F{}
startTime java.util.Date $F{startTime}
endTime java.util.Date $F{endTime}

Where a node refers to an archetype (e.g. the customer node is a collection of participation.customer), you can use "." to drill down on the nodes of that archetype.

In the above, "" means:

  1. retrieve the object associated with "customer.entity"; and
  2. return its name node


Special Reports
These are special reports that are generated by running queries that:

  • derive values
  • return partial objects
  • return multiple objects

For CUSTOMER_BALANCE, the fields are:




customer.objectReference org.openvpms.component .IMObjectReference The customer reference java.lang.String The customer name
balance java.math.BigDecimal The customer balance
overdueBalance java.math.BigDecimal The customer overdue balance
creditBalance java.math.BigDecimal The customer credit balance
lastPaymentDate java.util.Date The customer's last payment date
lastPaymentAmount java.math.BigDecimal The customer's last payment amount
lastInvoiceDate java.util.Date The customer's last invoice date
lastInvoiceAmount java.math.BigDecimal The customer's last invoice amount
unbilledAmount java.math.BigDecimal The customer's unbilled amount

For GROUPED_REMINDERS, the fields are:

Field Type Description
customer party.customerperson The reminder customer
patient party.patientpet The reminder patient
reminderType entity.reminderType The reminder type
product product.* The reminder product
clinician security.user The reminder clinician
startTime java.util.Date The reminder start date
endTime java.util.Date The reminder due date
reminderCount java.lang.Integer The reminder count
act act.patientReminder The reminder act

For WORK_IN_PROGRESS_CHARGES, the report is supplied with Invoices, Credits and Counter charges (act.customerAccountChargesInvoice, act.customerAccountChargesCredit, and act.customerAccountChargesCounter archetypes respectively), that have an In Progress, Complete or On Hold status.

The available fields are therefore the nodes present in each of these archetypes.