This is the screen used to create or edit an attachment document in the patient's medical records. See Concepts|Documents for background. Note that although you can use this facility to attach an image file, it is probably better to use the Image facility for this.
The fields are as follows:
Start Time - the date on which the entry was created - defaults to today
Description - any pertinent description
Status - this can be In Progress, Completed, or Finalised. In Progress implies that you are still working on this; Completed implies that you have finished - but the entry can still be editied; and Finalised means that it is really complete and can no longer be edited.
Printed - this box will be checked when the form has been printed
Clinician - the appropriate clinician
Attachment - press the Select button to attach the file - after the file is attached its name (notes.txt in this case) is shown here.
The Versions tab shows the previous versions. Note that you can use the Add button to add another, but you can also use the Select button. If you use the Select button to attach another file, then the previous 'top' version will just be pushed onto the version list.
As you can guess from the above, there is no problem in adding the same file name twice. In fact although two notes.txt files have been attached, each in fact contains different text.