

This is the create/edit/view screen for archetypes.  Feel free to use this screen to examine archetypes, but unless you know exactly what you are doing, do not use it to modify things.

The fields are:
ID - the id number of the archetype
Name - the name of the archetype
Display Name - its display name
Class Name - the name of the java class that defines the archetype
Latest - check this box if this is the latest version
Primary - check this box if this is a primary archetype. The primary field is used to filter similarly named archetypes from lists when wildcards are used. E.g listing archetypes for act.customerAccount* with primary=true will exclude all of the item acts (act.customerAccountPaymentCash etc). Most cases where workspaces list archetypes by archetypes (e.g. Admin|Organisation), they list primary archetypes.
That said, there aren't too many non-primary archetypes, and these wouldn't be matched on the wildcards used anyway.
Node table - this shows each 'node' or component of the archetype. In the above example there are only 4. If there are more than 10, then the display is paged.

Node tab - this shows the attributes of the selected node (microchip in the above example). Its fields are:
Name - the name of the node
Display Name - this is used as the name of the field when it appears on the screen
Type - the java class that defines the node's type
Path - defines where this node is held in the database
Min, Max Cardinality - define how many of these nodes there can be. (1,1) means there must be one only (ie the field is mandatory),  (0,1) means that the node is optional but there can be no more than one, (0,-1) means that the node is optional, but there in no limit to the number.
Min, Max Length - define the allowed number of characters if this is a string
Default Value - the default value for this node
Derived - check this box if the value of this node is to be derived from others
Derived Value - an expression that provides the derived value. For example, the Description node of the till archetype is "concat('Last Cleared : ',/details/lastCleared, ' Cash Float : ',/details/tillFloat)".
Hidden - check this box is the node is not to be displayed
Read Only - check this box if the node cannot be updated

Assertion Descriptors tab - this shows the attributes of the selected assertion. Assertions are used to validate the data for the node. There are a dozen different types (such as number, stringcase, expression, regular expression, lookup, etc). In the above example there is a single regular expression assertion. The fields are in general different for each assertion type, and are not documented here.