Style - Column Widths


[1.7.1] You can adjust the size of some column widths to suit local usage by making changes in the file. This is located in the <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/openvpms/WEB-INF/classes/style folder. It is sensible to make a backup copy of the file before editing it. Having saved the file you will need to restart Tomcat to get the changes to have effect.

Medical Records: Clinician Width
You can change the size of the Clinician field (shown if you set the 'Show Clinician in History Items' option for the Practice). You may want to either increase this to show long names, or decrease it if you use just initials.

The width is controlled by the history.clinician.width setting.

Selector Field Width
You can change the size of the 'selector' fields - ie those with the binocular icon following them. You may want to do this if you find that the standard size is often too narrow to show all the data.

The width is controlled by the selector.width setting.