Store manager tasks


This section documents the tasks of the Store manager.

Expired Subscriptions


You can find users who have expired subscriptions by using the 'Subscribers' entry in the Admin menu.

This allows you to select users who have one role, but not another.

By default it is set to display users who have the role Subscribed but not the role Subscriber. However, you can use it to users who have any role but not another.

If you set the 'Not' role to <Any> then  the 'not' condition is ignored.

Expiry Dates


There are two dates that are used to drive our subscription system:

The Subscription Date - this is the date the subscription was first purchased. For old subscribers it needs to be set manually. For subscribers who purchase their first subscription through the system, it is set automatically when they do so.

The Subscription date is passed to the Keygen utility and it uses this and the current date to figure out when the subscription key should expire.  The day and month can be got from the Subscription date, but the year has to be calculated. Provided that the current date (ie the day on which the payment for the subscription renewal is received) is between two months prior to the subscription anniversary, and 10 months after, then the key expiry date will be calculated correctly.

The same process occurs when the zero cost 'Subscription Key' product is "purchased" - ie the generated key will have an expiry date derived from the Subscription Date and the current date.

The Subscriber Role Expiry Date - we use this to send out a reminder 1 month prior to the subscription's expiry. 'Role expiry' is a feature of the standard Ubercart e-commerce system that we use.  When the customer purchases an Annual Subscription, then if they do not currently have this Subscriber role (either because this is their first subscription purchase, or because the role expired) they are given the role and it is set to expire in 12 months.  It they do have the role, then 12 months is added to its expiry date.

Note that when the zero cost 'Subscription Key' product is "purchased" it does NOT affect the Subscriber role.

The Role Expiry Date is set to the anniversary of the Subscription Date.  This is achieved by modifying the standard role expiry code to add an expiry type of 'Subscription date', and having code that recognises this expiry type and sets the appropriate date.

This implies that the Annual Subscription product - see - MUST have its features set as follows:

and the Global expiration - see - must be as follows:



Finding users


If you need to access a specific user, you can call them up via where xxx is the user's login name.

However, it may be easier to find then via (or via User Management|users|List in the top menu)

Initially this shows everybody as follows:

But you can list by role – ie if you click the role radio button and select Subscriber from the pull-down and then press Filter you get:

On this screen, you can add a second selection condition (say Role = FiftyPercenter) and then press the Refine button, you will see only users who are Subscribers and FiftyPercenters.  Pressing the Reset button removes all the selection conditions.

Note that the Role Expiration tab show when user’s roles expire – as below.  Note that this shows ALL expiring roles, not just those of the users that you have selected on the List tab.

You can click on any on the Username links to call up that user.

Generating a subscription key


In the normal case, a user buys an Annual Subscription and the system automatically generates and emails their subscription key when their payment is received (ie immediately for PayPal payments or when the order is marked as payment-received by the store manager).

However, it may be necessary to generate a key separately.

To do this the store manager generates a order for the user for the product 'Subscription Key'.  This is a zero cost product.

The process is as follows:

Use Store Administration|Orders|Create Order (ie which will display:

Use the 'Search for an existing customer' link to select the customer (or if necessary create a new customer), and then click the 'Create order' button.

This will display:

Use the 'Select from address book' button to select the customer's address. The fields that we need and the first and last names and the Practice Name - the rest do not matter in this case.  We also do not need the ABN number.

Further down the screen:

Select the payment method 'Free order', then press the Add product button, click on 'Subscription Key' and then press the Select button.

This will give:

Click the 'Add to order' button which will give:

If you want you can click on the 'Add an admin comment' link to add one, else click the 'Submit changes' button.

This will give:

Now click the View tab to get:

Down the bottom change the Order status from 'Pending' to 'Payment received' and click the Update button.

This will give:

The process is now complete and the subscriber will receive their key via email.

Manage Orders


Orders paid via PayPal will 'auto-complete' on successful return from PayPal, and the user's subscription status will be updated and their subscription key emailed to them.

However, orders paid by cheque or bank transfer need to be updated from Pending to Payment Received status when the money has been received. This will trigger the update of the user's subscription status and will email their subscription key, and set the payment status to Complete.

This is most easily done via (or using Store administration|Orders|View orders in the top menu).

This will show a display like the following:

By default, the 'Active Orders' are shown. You can also select Pending and other states.

To process a Pending order, click the left-most icon in the Actions column (view order).  You will see something like:


You can click the Receive Cheque link (at the top right) to indicate that the cheque has been received.  This will result in the following screen:

Assuming that you do not want to add a comment, and that the cheque was for the full value, you can simply click the Receive cheque button at the bottom.

This will set the order status to Completed and return you to the order view screen as shown below:

If the payment method was bank transfer rather than cheque, then the process is exactly the same.

Note that if you now check the 'Send e-mail notification..' box and then press the Update button, an email will be sent to the user saying that their order is now complete.

You can then click the Orders part of the breadcrumb at the top of the screen to return you to the orders listing.


Manually set Initial Subscription date


To manually set the Initial Subscription date, you need to edit the user's profile.

You do this via where xxxx is the user's login name.  However, you may not know this.

The easiest way is to use the Who Bought What report to display the subscription purchases, and then click on the user's name. Note that if you click on the Email column heading, it will sort by email address and hopefully, all the subscription purchases by the one practive will be grouped together.

Clicking on the user's name will bring up the user screen as follows:

Click the Edit tab and then the Subscription Information sub-tab to bring up the following:

If the Initial Subscription date has never been set it will show today's date.  Set the date as appropriate and then click the Save button.

Orders in Checkout status


Occasionally, users may have an order that they have entered, but not submitted.

This leaves the order with status 'In Checkout'. You can find these on the Orders screen (Store Administration|Orders|View Orders - ) by setting the status selection to In Checkout.  Note that the default 'Active Orders' selection does NOT include 'In Checkout' orders.

For these orders, you need to do one of three things:

if you have received the money, then you need to use the Received payment link on the order (just as you do when you receive the money for an order in Pending status).

If you have not received the money and this is a recent order, then you need to email the user and ask what is going on.  They will be able to examine the order using the My Cart link or by going to

If the user does not want to proceed, then you can simply view the order and change its status to Cancelled and add a suitable Admin comment.

NOTE: Before you email the user, check that there is not another order for the same item(s) with the same date that has been Completed (or is Pending). In this case we have a duplicate and we can set the status of the 'In Checkout' order to Cancelled with an Admin comment like 'Cancelled by PG - duplicate of completd order'

Price changes


If/when the subscription amount changes the following pages need updating:

Note that the discount needs to be set so that the subscription component is discounted by 50%, but not the development levy.  ie if the total T = S + L (where S is the subscription and L the devlopment levy) then the discount is (S/2)/T
(In both the above change Dev.levy amount in email text)



Set FiftyPercenter and Subscriber roles


The store manager needs to set the role FiftyPercenter for those users who should have it.

See also

Note that the store manager role explicitly has permission to set/unset the FiftyPercenter and Subscriber roles for any user.

To set/unset the FiftyPercenter role, access the user - see Finding Users - then edit the user and set/unset the role as desired. See  for example below.

Note that if you do set the Subscriber role (which is normally automatically set as the result of the user purchasing a subscription), then you will also need to set the Initial Subscription Date (accessed via the 'Subscription Information' tab), and the Subscriber role expiry date (accessed via the Ubercart roles block right at the bottom of the Account tab page).



Who Bought What


The Who Bought What report (accessed via Store administration|Reports|Who Bought What or ) is very useful.

You can select the products to be reported as follows:

Note that the 'Subscription Key' product will show the $0 orders created just to generate keys for customers, and thus provides a track of the cases where the key was sent out independently of the customer's purchase of an Annual Subscription.

The Development Project Donation shows donations to projects and can be used to track both payments and pledges (which will be shown with HowPay as 'other').