

This section records the tailoring done - so that things can be adjusted in the future if necessary. [Note that not everything is noted here - just the parts that are more difficult to find - mostly those parts that are not accessible via the top menu.]

Order Templates

The standard Ubercart order templates are held in

These are overidden by having modified versions in

The three files are:

Checks to Cheques

In the cheque payment module, the phrase "Checks should be made out to" is hard coded in the file /home/admin/www/sites/all/modules/ubercart/payment/uc_payment_pack/uc_payment_pack.module

Although there are mechanisms in Drupal to translate this, it was considered far simpler to just edit the file to change this to "Cheques should ....".

Role Expiry Date Format

In the ubercart roles module, in the file /home/admin/www/sites/all/modules/ubercart/uc_roles/uc_roles.module, and extra date format has been added to provide a d MMM YYYY date format. The modification signature is "TG 28/05/2015".

This format is used in the role expiry emails. (The standard 'small' format includes the time and this is not wanted.)

Role Expiry Type

In the same file (uc_roles.module) a 'Subscription date' (code 'sub') has been added. The modification signature is "TG 25/6/2015".

Role Expiry Date

In the same module, the file uc_roles.ca.inc, has been modified to calculate the role expiry date from the Subscription Date - provided that the Role Exiry Type is 'sub'. The modification signature is "TG 25/6/2015".

The logic used is the same as that in the keygen utility.  This ensures that the the Subscriber role has the same expiry date as the generated key.

Collapse discounts pane

By default, the discounts pane in the checkout window is shown uncollapsed as follows:

Since we do not use discount codes, and since the above may confuse users, the code has been modified to initially display the pane in its collapsed state as follows:

Note that testing has shown that if this pane is totally suppressed, then if there is a FiftyPercenter discount applicable, the amount calculations are wrong.

The only way to set this pane as initially collapsed is to modify the file /home/admin/www/sites/all/modules/uc_discounts_alt/uc_discounts/uc_discounts.module to add the following at the end of the uc_discounts_form_uc_cart_checkout_form_alter function:

 * The following added by Tim G to set the uc_discounts pane to initially collapsed
 * suppressing the pane completely screws the discount calculation
  $form['panes']['uc_discounts']['#collapsed'] = TRUE;