Updating OpenVPMS to 1.2-Beta-1

This page outlines the required steps to upgrade a 1.1 release OpenVPMS installation to release 1.2-Beta-1.

Step Description 
Download OpenVPMS Installation Files 
  • Download the latest OpenVPMS Installation files from here.
  • Unzip the Installation Pack onto your OpenVPMS server; This should create a openvpms-release-1.2-Beta-1 folder with the necessary files to install or update OpenVPMS.
Stop Tomcat Service 
  • Stop Tomcat
OpenVPMS Database Upgrade
  • Open a command prompt.
  • Navigate to openvpms-release-1.2-Beta-1\update\db folder
  • Start the mysql command line client and enter the following commands 
    mysql -u root -p
    mysql> use openvpms;
    mysql> source migrate-1.1-to-1.2.sql ;
    mysql> quit;
Download and install the Mysql JDBC driver  This release does not package  the Mysql database JDBC driver that is required by OpenVPMS to talk to a Mysql database installation.  This is due to license restrictions on the Mysql connector. 

Using your current OpenVPMS-1.1 installation you can copy the necessary files from this installation to the  new 1.2 installation and Tomcat using these instructions:
  • In the openvpms-release-1.1\lib folder find the file mysql-connector-java-5.1.5-bin.jar  to openvpms-release=1.2-Beta-1\lib folder.
  • Copy the same file to your tomcat installations shared\lib  folder.
Reload the Archetypes 
  • Navigate to C:\openvpms-release-1.2-beta-1\bin
  • Run the archetype load utility  by typing archload
Update the OpenVPMS web application 
  • Navigate to the Apache Tomcat webapps folder
  • Delete the existing  openvpms.war file
  • Delete the existing openvpms folder
  • Copy the  openvpms.war  file from the openvpms-release-1.2-Beta-1\webapps  folder to the Tomcat webapps folder.
Start Tomcat 
  • Restart Tomcat