We run a test system so that things can be tested and played with before being incorporated with the live production system.
The test system is accessed via http://test.openvpms.org - however because there is (intentionally) no DNS record for test.openvpms.org, it cannot be accessed unless you put test.openvpms.org in your local hosts file (which in windows is C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts ). The entry is: test.openvpms.org
The test system uses the database 'drupal-test'.
Its files are held in /home/admin/wwwtest - which is a symlink to /home/admin/public_html/test.openvpms.org/public
If you wish to re-clone the test system from the production system you should do as follows: (remember to delete any old test-old.openvpms.org first - see below)
Login as admin
cd public_html
mv test.openvpms.org test-old.openvpms.org
mkdir test.openvpms.org
rsync -a --exclude '.git*' openvpms.org/* test.openvpms.org
[this will fail to copy some log files because of permission problems but these do not matter
and we are using rsync rather than cp so that we can exclude the git stuff]
cd ~/wwwtest/sites/default
cp ~/public_html/test-old.openvpms.org/public/sites/default/settings.php settings.php
drush sql-sync @live @test
What the above does is rename the test system to test-old, the copy the production system files to the new test system, and then ovewrite the new test systems settings.php from the old test system (which sets the required database name and site url). Finally we copy the production database using the drush sql-sync command.
You now need to login to the test system set the Reroute Mail options.
When you are happy you can delete the old test system saved in test-old.openvpms.org using:
sudo rm -rf test-old.openvpms.org
If you need to, you may want to install the devel module - see https://www.drupal.org/project/devel and https://api.drupal.org/api/devel/devel.module/6
We do not have this installed on production so it is not simply a matter of enabling it - it needs to be installed on the test system - and you will need to do this again if you re-clone test from production.
On the test system we enable the Reroute Email module. This is installed on production but not enabled.
To enable the mail re-routing use Site Configuration|Reroute Email|Settings or http://test.openvpms.org/admin/settings/reroute_email/settings
Set like the following:
You MUST enable rerouting - so notification and other emails are not sent out to users. You SHOULD change the email address from its default of admin[at]openvpms[dot]org so that only the you (ie the person doing the testing) gets the re-routed emails.