This screen displays information about the current supplier - or if there is no current supplier, a Select button allowing you to select one and a New button to create one.
Depending on the type of supplier, the details are shown in slightly different ways as follows:
For Manufacturers: (for the meanings of the fields, click here)
For Supplier Organisations: (for the meanings of the fields, click here)
For Supplier Persons: (for the meanings of the fields, click here)
For Vet Practices: (for the meanings of the fields, click here)
For Veterinarians: (for the meanings of the fields, click here)
This is the screen used to create and edit manufacturers. For background see Concepts|Suppliers.
The fields in the header are as follows:
Id - the ID
Company Name - the name of the manufacturer
Notes - any notes you want to add
Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the manufacturer
See Tabs for a description of the fields in Contacts tab.
The Representatives tab is used to set the Supplier-Persons that this manufacturer employs. Note that an organisation can have zero, one or more representatives defined. As can be seen above the fields are:
Contact - the representative
From Date - the date on which the relationship started
To Date - the date on which the relationship ended
This is the screen used to create and edit supplier organisations. For background see Concepts|Suppliers.
The fields in the header are as follows:
Id - the ID
Company Name - the name of the supplier organisation
Notes - any notes you want to add
Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the supplier
See Tabs for a description of the fields in the common tabs, Contacts, Account Type, Categories, and Suppliers.
The Representatives tab is used to set the Supplier-Persons that this organisation employs. Note that an organisation can have zero, one or more representatives defined. As can be seen above the fields are:
Contact - the representative
From Date - the date on which the relationship started
To Date - the date on which the relationship ended
This is the screen used to create and edit supplier persons. For background see Concepts|Suppliers.
The fields in the header are as follows:
Id - the ID
Title - the name of the supplier organisation
First Name - the first name
Initials - the initials
Last Name - the last name
Notes - any pertinant notes
Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the supplier
See Tabs for a description of the fields in the common tabs, Contacts, Account Types and Categories.
The Organisations tab is used to set the Supplier-Organisations that this person belongs to. Note that they can belong to zero, one or more organisations. As can be seen above the fields are:
Supplier - the organisation
From Date - the date on which the relationship started
To Date - the date on which the relationship ended
This is the screen used to create and edit supplier practices. For background see Concepts|Suppliers.
The fields in the header are as follows:
Id - the ID
Practice Name - the name of the supplier organisation
Notes - any notes you want to add
Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the supplier
See Tabs for a description of the fields in the common tabs, Contacts and Categories.
The Vetinarians tab is used to set the Supplier-Veterinarians that this practice employs. Note that a practice can have zero, one or more vets defined. As can be seen above the fields are:
Veterinarian - the vet
From Date - the date on which the relationship started
To Date - the date on which the relationship ended
This is the screen used to create and edit supplier veterinarians. For background see Concepts|Suppliers.
The fields in the header are as follows:
Id - the ID
Title - the name of the supplier organisation
First Name - the first name
Initials - the initials
Last Name - the last name
Notes - any pertinant notes
Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the supplier
See Tabs for a description of the fields in the common tabs, Contacts and Categories.
The Practices tab is used to set the Supplier-Practices that this vet belongs to. Note that they can belong to zero, one or more practices. As can be seen above the fields are:
Practice - the Supplier Practice
From Date - the date on which the relationship started
To Date - the date on which the relationship ended
This page documents the various common tabs on the on the supplier edit screens.
The common tabs are: Account Type, Categories, Stock Locations, and also Contacts. (Note that since the latter is also used for customers, practice and practice locations, it is documented in Concepts|Contacts.)
Account Type tab
This is used to set the Supplier Account Type. Note that this is an information setting - it does not affect the way in which the system treats suppliers.
Choose the account type from the list. Those available are set via Administration|Lookups|Supplier Account Type.
Categories tab
This is used to set the categories (zero, one, or more) to which the supplier belongs.
Use the arrows to move the selected item from the Available list to the Selected list and vice versa.
Note that those available are drawn from differents list depending on the type of supplier you are editing - see Concepts|Categories.
Stock Locations tab
This is needed only if you use the ESCI facility - if you don't use this, don't bother with this tab.
The fields are:
Stock Location - the stock location
Account ID - the account number }
Service URL - the URL }that the ESCI facility uses to access this supplier
Username - the user name }
Password - the password }
Pressing the Test button checks that these settings work.
When you press the Delete button on the Suppliers|Information screen, a confirmation window will appear. Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort.
If the selected supplier is not in use and can be deleted, the window will simply ask you to confirm the delete. Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort.
If it cannot be deleted because it is in use, the text will be "xxxx has relationships and cannot be deleted. Do you want to deactivate it instead?" (where xxx is the name of the supplier you are trying to delete). Pressing OK will unset its Active flag, Cancel will abort.
This window allows you to select the type of supplier to be created. Select the required one and press OK, else Cancel to abort.
This is the screen used to compose and send an SMS message. For background, see Concepts|SMS.
The fields are as follows:
Phone - the phone number to which the SMS will be sent. If the supplier has multiple phone contact numbers that are SMS enabled, then there will be a pull-down list for you to select from.
Message - the text of the SMS message - a maximum of 160 characters. The counter on the top of the box (96 in the above sample) shows how many more characters you can enter before your text will be truncated.
Press the OK button to send the SMS.