

This screen displays the Communication with and Alerts for, the current customer - or if there is no current customer, a Select button allowing you to select a customer.

A customer can have any number of Communications and Alerts. If there are active Alerts then these are also shown in the Customer information panel.


Communications are used to log:

  • notes
  • emails
  • mail
  • SMS
  • phone calls 

These can be logged manually, or automatically via the Practice option Log Communication.

When automatic logging is enabled:

  • ad-hoc email and SMS messages related to a customer will be logged.
    The patient will be included, if one is present
  • email and SMS messages will be logged during reminder processing
    • listed for phone calls will be logged as a Phone communication
    • printed for mailing will be logged as a Mail communication

Automatic logging does not occur during statement processing.

The Communication screen is as follows:

The top half of the screen is a select screen. In addition to the date range, you can select by:

Patient  If no patient is selected, all communication with the customer is displayed.
If a patient is selected, only communication involving that patient is displayed
Type Determines which communication types to display. Defaults to All.

The table shows the matching communications, and the bottom half of the screen, the details of the selected communication.

The buttons are:

New Create a new Note
Log Displays the New Communication Log window to log communication with a customer
Edit Edit the selected communication
Delete Delete the selected communication

New Communication Log

The Log button displays a New Communication Log window, to select the type of log to create.


The Alerts screen is as follows:

The top half of the screen is a select screen. As well as the date, you can select by:
Alert - either all or one of the alert types as defined via Administration|Lookups|Customer Alert Type
Status - the status of the alert, either All, Completed, or In Progress

The table shows the matching alerts, and the bottom half of the screen, the details of the selected alert. For details of the fields see Create/Edit Alert.

Note that this screen shows the customer alerts - it does not show those alerts set via the Customer Account Type. As you can see in the above, this customer is a VIP customer and thus shows the mauve VIP Customer alert in the left panel. However, you can see that this is not listed as one of the current customer alerts.

Confirm Delete


When you press the Delete button on the Customers|Communication screen, a confirmation window will appear.

Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort.

Create/Edit Alert


This screen is used to create and edit customer alerts.

The fields are as follows:
Date - the start date of the alert - defaults to the current date
End Date - the end date of the alert
Alert Type - select from those available - these are set via Administration|Lookups|Customer Alert Type
Priority - this displays the priority of the alert - see above link
Reason - a short version of the Notes text
Author - this defaults to your user name, but can be set to that of any user
Notes - the long version of the reason for the alert
Status - can be either In Progress or Completed

Create/Edit Email


This screen is used to create and edit customer Email communications.
Note that these are used to log emails to/from a customer, or about a customer's pets, rather than send an email. Normally (assuming that you have 'Log Communication' set for the Practice), you do not have to create these entries - the system does this automatically.

The fields are as follows:

Subject   the subject of the email
To identifies who the email was addressed to
Cc identifies who the email was Cc'ed to
Bcc identifies who the email was Bcc'ed to
Patient the patient that the note is about, if any
Reason the reason for the note. The available reasons are configured via Administration|Lookups|Customer Communication Reason
Message the email message
Note additional notes about the email
Atttachments  a list of the names of attachments that were sent with the email

Create/Edit Mail


This screen is used to create and edit customer Mail communications.
Note that these are used to log posted communications to/from a customer, or about a customer's pets, rather than actually send an mail.

The fields are as follows:

Subject   the subject of the mail
To identifies who the mail was addressed to
Patient the patient that the mail is about, if any
Reason the reason for the mail. The available reasons are configured via Administration|Lookups|Customer Communication Reason
Message the mail message
Note additional notes about the mail

Create/Edit Note


This screen is used to create and edit customer Notes.

The fields are as follows:

Subject   the subject of the note
Patient the patient that the note is about, if any
Reason the reason for the note. The available reasons are configured via Administration|Lookups|Customer Communication Reason
Note the actual note text


Create/Edit Phone


This screen is used to create and edit customer phone communications.
These are used to log phone calls to/from a customer, or about a customer's pets.

The fields are as follows:

Subject   the subject of the phone call
To identifies the number the phone call was made to
Patient the patient that the phone call was about, if any
Reason the reason for the phone call. The available reasons are configured via Administration|Lookups|Customer Communication Reason
Message the details of the call
Note additional notes about the call

Create/Edit SMS


This screen is used to create and edit customer SMS communications.
Note that these are used to log SMS messages to/from a customer, or about a customer's pets, rather than send an SMS. Normally (assuming that you have 'Log Communication' set for the Practice), you do not have to create these entries - the system does this automatically.

The fields are as follows:

Subject   the subject of the SMS
To identifies who the SMS was addressed to
Patient the patient that the SMS is about, if any
Reason the reason for the SMS. The available reasons are configured via Administration|Lookups|Customer Communication Reason
Message the SMS message
Note additional notes about the SMS