Getting started with OpenVPMS



The purpose of this document is to outline the requirements for getting the OpenVPMS webapp up and running from the source.


Setting up MySQL

MySQL Server

When configuring the MySQL server:

These have the corresponding settings my.ini:

character-set-server = utf8
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 512M

Creating the database

Create a database named openvpms_dev, with a single user openvpms:

mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database openvpms_dev;
mysql> grant all on openvpms_dev.* to openvpms identified by 'openvpms';

Getting the source

To get the most recent sources from git:

 git clone openvpms

Building the source

The easiest way to build the source is to simply run:

> cd openvpms
> mvn -DskipTests install

Running the webapp

To run the webapp from maven from the command line:

1. Create the database schema, load archetypes, and sample data

> cd openvpms-archetypes
> mvn openvpms-db:create openvpms-db:update openvpms-data:load

2. Load report templates

> cd ../openvpms-release
> mvn openvpms-report:load

3. Start Jetty

> cd ../openvpms-web/openvpms-web-app/
> mvn jetty:run

The app can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/openvpms/app

Login user name is admin password is admin


OpenVPMS will start without OpenOffice being present. However, it is required when:

The soffice binary must be in the PATH in order for OpenVPMS to locate it.


SQL Logging

To log SQL queries, p6spy can be enabled as follows:

> mvn -Ddb.driver=com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver -Ddb.url=jdbc:p6spy:mysql://localhost:3306/openvpms_dev jetty:run 

This will log all SQL to a file named spy.log, in the current directory.