The purpose of this document is to outline the requirements for getting the OpenVPMS webapp up and running from the source.
When configuring the MySQL server:
These have the corresponding settings my.ini:
max_allowed_packet=16M innodb_file_per_table character-set-server = utf8 innodb_buffer_pool_size = 512M
Create a database named openvpms_dev, with a single user openvpms:
mysql -u root -p mysql> create database openvpms_dev; mysql> grant all on openvpms_dev.* to openvpms identified by 'openvpms';
To get the most recent sources from git:
git clone openvpms
The easiest way to build the source is to simply run:
> cd openvpms > mvn -DskipTests install
To run the webapp from maven from the command line:
1. Create the database schema, load archetypes, and sample data
> cd openvpms-archetypes > mvn openvpms-db:create openvpms-db:update openvpms-data:load
2. Load report templates
> cd ../openvpms-release > mvn openvpms-report:load
3. Start Jetty
> cd ../openvpms-web/openvpms-web-app/ > mvn jetty:run
The app can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/openvpms/app
Login user name is admin password is admin
OpenVPMS will start without OpenOffice being present. However, it is required when:
The soffice binary must be in the PATH in order for OpenVPMS to locate it.
To log SQL queries, p6spy can be enabled as follows:
> mvn -Ddb.driver=com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver -Ddb.url=jdbc:p6spy:mysql://localhost:3306/openvpms_dev jetty:run
This will log all SQL to a file named spy.log, in the current directory.