Occasionally, users may have an order that they have entered, but not submitted.
This leaves the order with status 'In Checkout'. You can find these on the Orders screen (Store Administration|Orders|View Orders - http://www.openvpms.org/admin/store/orders/view ) by setting the status selection to In Checkout. Note that the default 'Active Orders' selection does NOT include 'In Checkout' orders.
For these orders, you need to do one of three things:
if you have received the money, then you need to use the Received payment link on the order (just as you do when you receive the money for an order in Pending status).
If you have not received the money and this is a recent order, then you need to email the user and ask what is going on. They will be able to examine the order using the My Cart link or by going to http://www.openvpms.org/cart
If the user does not want to proceed, then you can simply view the order and change its status to Cancelled and add a suitable Admin comment.
NOTE: Before you email the user, check that there is not another order for the same item(s) with the same date that has been Completed (or is Pending). In this case we have a duplicate and we can set the status of the 'In Checkout' order to Cancelled with an Admin comment like 'Cancelled by PG - duplicate of completd order'