Job Configuration: Appointment Reminder Sender


Job Configuration: Appointment Reminder Sender configures a scheduled job to periodically send SMS appointment reminders.

The fields are as follows:

Name The job name
Description The job description
Active This schedules the job to run if checked, or prevents it from being run if unchecked
SMS Before

This determines how long prior to an appointment that the reminder will be sent.  It will never be sent before this, but may be sent after, if the Reminder Sender did not run when the reminder first became due.

No SMS Before

This prevents the Reminder Sender sending reminders for appointments that are in the near future, i.e. appointments which start less than the specified interval ahead in time. It must be less than the SMS Before interval.
For both the above, an interval of N days means Nx24 hours and similarly a week means 7x24 hours.  Thus if the job runs at 13:00, an interval of 1 day covers the period up to 13:00 the next day, not 23:59 the next day.

No Reminder This interval is checked when the appointment is created. If the appointment is less than this interval in the future, then the Send Reminder flag will not be set for the appointment.
Minutes See Cron Expression
Hours See Cron Expression
Day Of Month See Cron Expression
Month See Cron Expression
Day Of Week See Cron Expression
Run As

Specifies the user to run the job as. This user is required to have permissions to:

  • save appointments
  • send notification messages
Notify Specifies the user or user group to notify when sending has completed. Notification only occurs when SMS message are sent, or errors are encountered.


Cron Expression

The Minutes, Hours, Day Of Month, Month, and Day Of Week fields determine when the job is run, using a simplified version of a Cron expression:

Field Allowed Values Allowed Special Characters
Minutes 0-59 , - * /
Hours 0-23 , - * /
Day Of Month 1-31 , - * ? /
Month 1-12 or JAN-DEC , - * /
Day Of Week 1-7 or SUN-SAT , - * ? /

Note that only one of Day Of Month and Day Of Week may be specified. If one is specified, the other must be set to ?.

If you change the schedule, the new schedule will take effect immediately.


Description Minutes Hours Day Of Month Month Day Of Week
Run at 8am every weekday 0 8 ? * mon-fri
Run every 30 minutes */30 * * * ?
Run every 2 hours 0 */2 * * ?
Run every 15 mins between 8am and 6pm on weekdays */15 8-18 ? * mon-fri