

This is the Estimates tab of the Visit Editor. See Concepts|Estimates for background.

It is very similar to the Customer|Estimates screen, except that entry is restricted to the current patient only. If an estimate exists for another patient, or an estimate contains multiple patients, then it will be excluded. [Careful observers will note that this is a screen shot from a system using a modified label for the Find button and right justified field labels.]

The buttons are as follows:
OK - save any changes and close the Visit Editor
Cancel - cancel any changes and close the Visit Editor
New - create a new estimate
Edit - edit the selected estimate
Delete - delete the selected estimate - a confirmation window will appear
Finalise - change the status of the selected estimate to Finalised - a confirmation window will appear. Finalising the estimate locks it from any further changes. If you confirm the Finalise, then a print window will open allowing you to print or email the estimate.
Preview - download and display the selected estimate
Copy - copy this estimate to create another one
Invoice - generate an invoice from this estimate

Confirm Delete


When you press the Delete button on the Visit Editor's Estimates tab screen, a confirmation window will appear.

Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort.

Confirm Finalise


When you press the Finalise button on the Visit Editor's Estimates tab screen, a confirmation window will appear.

Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort.

Confirm Invoice


When you press the Invoice button on the Visit Editor's Estimates tab screen, a confirmation window will appear.

Press OK to confirm or Cancel to abort.