Under Discussion

Reversal notes

Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 

The Customers|Account screen provides support to reverse charges and payments.

The reversal transaction (i.e. credit or refund) includes the note 'Created by Reversal'. This cannot be changed as the transaction is Finalised.

This project will display a dialog to enable users to enter a reversal note.

It will default to "Created by Reversal".

VeNom Coding

Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 

This project will add support for VeNom Codes.

VeNom stands for "Veterinary Nomenclature". From the VeNom Coding website:

The codes are a list of terms that are used in veterinary practice and have been standardised across institutes to facilitate academic discussion, research and clinical auditing.

Archetype internationalisation

Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 

Archetypes are currently hardcoded to use English names, and Australian conventions (e.g. using metric weights).

To support wider deployment of OpenVPMS and simpler upgrade paths for international users, archetypes need to be internationalised. This will involve replacing hard-coded display names and text with variables.

These variables will be replaced with values obtained from resource bundles for the current locale, when the archetypes are loaded, either via the archload scripts, or via Import in the Administration workspace.

E.g. given:

Add support for different reminder templates per reminder count

Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 

At present, only a single document template may be associated with a particular reminder count.

This limits the format and content of reminders, as the same template must be used for both email and mail reminders.

This project will enable different templates to be used, depending on how reminders are being processed.

It will provide support for:

  1. different templates to be used if a reminder is being emailed or printed
  2. different templates to be used if grouped reminders are being emailed or printed

Static document templates

Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 
Project funding: 

You can donate money to this project by entering the amount above and clicking the 'Add to cart' button. In the Checkout process you can either choose to pay now (via Bank Transfer, Cheque or Pay Pal) or you can pledge the amount by choosing the 'Pledge a payment for a Development Project' method. If you make a pledge, then when we have 100% funding commitments, you will be notified by email and you can then action your payment. Note that development will not commence until all funds are received.

Project description: 

In order to link PDF product handout sheets to invoice items, they must currently be manually converted to a Word or Writer document, and saved as a template.

To remove the need for this, this project will enable templates to have static content such as PDFs or images.
These may be used to create Patient Attachment and Patient Image records during invoicing, with the associated content.

E.g., to enable printing off a Vaccination handout associated with a product:

1. a Document Template would be created, with:

  • Type set to Patient Attachment
  • a PDF uploaded to the Content

2. the template would be linked to the product, via the Documents tab

When the product is invoiced, a corresponding Patient Attachment record will be created for the patient, with the PDF as the Attachment. As this is a PDF, it cannot be printed directly, but must be downloaded and printed locally.


Enhance OpenVPMS login security

Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 

This project will improve login security by:

  • requiring passwords to meet a minimum strength (e.g minimum length, no dictionary words, mixture of upper and lowercase, inclusion of non-alpha characters)
  • reject login attempts if an incorrect password is submitted too many times
  • support password resets via email
  • allow users to change their passwords rather than requiring it be done by an administrator

Adhoc SMS messages

Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 

This project will add support for sending adhoc SMSes to customers.

This feature will be launched from the Reporting workspace and will send SMSes to customers that have phone contacts and have elected to receive SMSes.

The SMS workspace will provide:

  • a filter to select the customers to send messages to
  • a 160 character field to enter the message

Filter and sort patients by date

Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 

For customers with large no.s of patients, it can be difficult to locate patients.

This is especially true for in house customers that are used to track strays and wildlife patients.

This project would change the patient browser to:

  • support filtering patients between a particular date range  e.g. only return patients related to the current customer since 20/1/2012
  • support sorting by relationship start date or end date

This facility would only be available when a customer is selected.

Invoice allowances and charges

Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Due date for completion of this stage: 


  • the only sort of discount available is on a per-product basis
  • credits must be handled via a separate transaction
  • charges must be entered as products
  • percentages must be calculated manually

This projects seeks to add support for Invoice level allowances and charges.

An Invoice allowance is a discount or a credit. A charge might be a postage or freight fee, or a fee for late payment.

Both allowances and charges may be expressed as a percentage amount of the total invoice, or a fixed amount.

Support discount input as percentage

Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 

Discounts during invoicing and estimating must currently be entered as dollar values.

This could be extended to support percentage input so that entering a percentage automatically calculates the dollar value.

E.g. if 10% was entered into the Discount field, the discount would be calculated as:

 (fixedPrice * 10%) + (quantity * unitPrice * 10%)

The calculated value would replace the 10% displayed in the Discount field.

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