[Customer Module] Invoicing: item order

Tony, Is it your intention to have the invoice items list in a certain preordained order (ie consults first, lab tests next, radiol/US next, surgery next, drugs, hosp.)? If not, is it possible to drag & drop the items you've been adding to an invoice after they've been put on? You don't always remember the invoice items in the order you want them to appear. eg enter item no. 7 then drag it so it's between items 3 & 4? Also, when the ability to enter the service provider (vet or nurse) is enabled, will it be a vet per invoice system, or line by line entry within the invoice? So the record is kept of who consulted, who xrayed, who operated, who groomed? Mike H

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Re: Invoicing: item order

I would have thought that a per item association with service provider would be essential for medical records purposes. Particularly important for drug labels when dispensing vet should be individual for each item dispensed. This is one of the bugs in netvet, that despite having every item linked to a vets initials, drug labels default back to the person who intiated the invoice. Matt C

Re: Invoicing: item order

Hi Guys, The ability to associate billing items with a specific service provider will be introduced when we complete the medical records workspace component. In Medical Records we were thinking of having related medical records defined in two groups called episodes and events. Essentially an episode is a complete episode of care and events are specific service events within that episode. Medical records would be entered under an event and an event would have an associated service provider. When entering charges you can select the event that the charges were associated with defaulting to the most current event. In regards the order of charge items we do not intend to allow the order to be changed on screen but the print system can can choose how it wants to format them based on any of the products, patients or clients properties. Regards Tony
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