Customer Activity Export Report


Hi Everyone,

I have developed a new export report based on the Customer Marketing Export report which provides addiitonal filtering options by sales date, product type and product. 

Any feedback on its operation would be appreciated.



This report has been updated to be compatible with version 1.8+


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Re: Customer Activity Export Report

This version of the above report was contributed in the user forums by Matt Y.

Comments by Matt Y relating to this report.

I hadn't used this report before but I just ran it where it with options that should have picked up all clients and only got 2. I did some checking and the report won't list clients that have no classification (it's called category on the client details). I have no classification for all but 2 clients.

I have attached a copy of the report which doesn't have any filter for client category (classification).

From having a quick look at the report query I think that it's only picking up products sold that are sold via invoice and hence are linked to a patient (no counter sales). If the patient they were sold under was later deactivated the client would not show in the report, otherwise you could potentially send marketing info for deceased patients.

This can all be customised,

customer activity export report 2.0.jrxml 17.72 KB

Re: Customer Activity Export Report

We have just run this for a senior month promotion, however, it has pulled up deceased patients. It seems that some of our patients are deceased, but still active. Certainly with the new upgrade, if a patient is deceased (either manually or through an update on a cremation or euthanasia charge), then it is automatically, but we feel this may not have always been the case. As such, we know that we have deceased but still active patients on our system - is there a way that this report can not pull up deceased patients?


Re: Customer Activity Export Report


Does anyone have a version of this where the Deceased patients do not show up on the report if you don't tick it.

Our patients are made Deceased by invoicing euthanasia or cremation. This makes them deceased but they stay active. I think the report is relating to active/inactive rather than deceased.

I've tried to look at the jasper report and find where to fix it, presuming that there is somewhere that says not to list if they are inactive (rather than deceased). But I can't find it.




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