Patient Sales Alert Check
This report is designed to check that when certain items have been sold, that a corresponding patient alert has been created. As explained below this is achieved via the product classification.
Parameter selection screen:
Explanatory text:
"This report looks for sales of items in the specified 'Sales in Last Days' period that have Classification/Product Group starting 'PA-' - eg PA-Thyroid, and where the patient DOES NOT have the corresponding alert (eg 'Thyroid') set and in progress.
Hence for this this report to be useful you must:
a) have a set of product groups defined with names of the format PA-xxxxxxx
b) have a corresponding set of patient alerts named xxxxxxx
c) have each product that should have the xxxxxxx alert set after a sale be assigned the Classification PA-xxxxxxx"
Sample Output (when problems detected)
When all is OK you get a message "All OK - all patients who should have product sales related alerts set have them"