Create/Edit Reminder
This screen is used to create and edit reminders. Normally reminders are created automatically by the system (ie as a result of invoicing an annual vaccination, the system will create the reminder for the next one), but they can also be created manually using this screen. Similarly, they are normally processed automatically by the Reporting|Reminders processing. However, in some circumstances you may want to cancel them or change their due date manually. Note that you cannot delete a reminder - to do this you change its status to Cancelled.
The fields are as follows:
Date - the date on which the reminder was created
Reminder Type - the Type of the reminder
Due Date - the due date (ie when the vaccination is due)
Status - this can be In Progress (ie active), Completed (ie the associated event, eg the vaccination, has occurred), or Cancelled. Normally the system will adjust the state to Completed (when the event occurs) or Cancelled (when the reminder becomes too old), but you can also change the state using this screen.
Reminders Sent - displays the number of reminder notifications generated
Last Sent - the date on which the last one was generated
Completed - the date on which the reminder was completed. Note that if the reminder is cancelled by the system, the date on which this happened is not shown here, is this is a Completed date, not a Cancelled or Completed date.
Error - if an error occurred the last time that the reminder was processed by Reporting|Reminders|Send All, this will be shown here
Product - the associated product
Clinician - the associated clinician